Nature Canada

Privacy Policy

Privacy guidelines and confidentiality policies

Nature Canada strongly believes in the donor’s right to truthful information and privacy. We believe that as a supporter, you have the right to choose when to provide information that could be used to identify, contact or locate you, when such information may be shared with other organizations, and when to remain anonymous.

Nature Canada acknowledges the importance of philanthropy and the role it plays in our mission to protect Canada’s natural heritage. Nature Canada recognizes the goodwill of our supporters and pledges to maintain a high level of integrity and accountability. To achieve this end, Nature Canada adheres to the Ethical Fundraising & Financial Accountability Code (PDF) developed by Imagine Canada (formerly the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy) and the Canadian Marketing Association’s Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice (Section J).

Privacy policy

Nature Canada is responsible for protecting customer information under its control. We have designated a staff manager responsible for Nature Canada’s adherence to the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

Identifying purposes
Nature Canada clearly identifies the primary use of the personal information and asks permission before any secondary use of that personal information. Nature Canada collects personal information primarily to build relationships with its supporters. Should personal information be collected during volunteer participatory activities, Nature Canada must obtain permission before any fundraising appeal use.

Nature Canada recognizes that donors have control over the use of their information.

  • All new donors are given the opportunity to decline to have their name or other information used for any further marketing purposes by a third party.
  • Current donors have the opportunity to decline to have their names or other information used for marketing purposes by a third party at least every three years.
  • Nature Canada removes a donor’s name from its existing house file or trade list promptly upon request.
  • Nature Canada uses the Do Not Mail/ Do Not Call service of the Canadian Marketing Association when conducting a campaign in order to delete the name of any person, other than a current donor, who has requested that he or she be removed from mail or telemarketing lists.

Limiting collection, disclosure and duration of retention
Nature Canada limits the collection of information to that which is necessary for the activities noted above.

  • Nature Canada collects the contact information, donation history and special interests of its donors in order to build on its existing relationship with its supporters. (see below for specifics.)
  • Nature Canada is obligated to retain donor information for seven years as per Revenue Canada tax receipting guidelines.
  • Nature Canada may collect survey information as part of its volunteer participatory activities.
  • Nature Canada deletes any personal banking information donor records upon their cancellation from the pre-authorized payment program.

Limiting use
Nature Canada controls the use of information by third parties.

  • Nature Canada does not rent its trade list.
  • Nature Canada does exchange its trade list with other like-minded organizations from time to time.
  • Nature Canada will only exchange lists with other privacy-compliant organizations.
  • Nature Canada maintains a summary of trade list exchanges over the last 12 months and will provide the information when queried about the potential use of personal information to a third party.

Nature Canada ensures that information is accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary for the purpose of continuing contact with our support base.

  • Nature Canada endeavours to keep donor contact records up-to-date.
  • Nature Canada ensures that any requests regarding donor giving preferences, i.e., limiting the number of solicitations, no further requests, to not be solicited by telephone or other technology, is added to the personal record promptly.
  • Nature Canada does not update records with contact information that is deemed not in the public domain, i.e., unlisted telephone numbers etc.

Nature Canada assures the security and confidentiality of private information.

  • Nature Canada’s donor database has electronic security passwords. Access to the database is limited to select
  • Nature Canada staff during office hours and locked when the office is closed.
  • Nature Canada’s computer system has appropriate security systems in place.
  • Any paper files with confidential financial information are stored in locked filing cabinets.
  • Nature Canada staff have all signed a Code of Ethics.
  • Nature Canada provides an annual training session on the proper handling and safeguarding procedures of personal information.

If Nature Canada outsources data processing or enters into contracts that require handling of personal information, we obtain written assurances that the firm abides by the law.

We dispose of confidential personal information with a shredder to prevent any unauthorized use.

Nature Canada recognizes that donors have the right to access their information.

  • All Nature Canada donors have the right to see their own donor record and to challenge its accuracy.
  • Nature Canada provides information about the potential use of personal information upon request.
  • All potential donors have the right to know the source of obtaining their name.

Openness and proper handling of customer complaints
Nature Canada pledges to respond immediately to any queries about personal information or complaints regarding the use of personal information. Nature Canada also makes readily available our privacy policies and practices relating to the management of personal information upon request. Information requests must be fulfilled within 30 days. The information will contain

  • the name and title of the Nature Canada staff person accountable for the organization’s policies and to whom complaints/inquires are forwarded;
  • the means of gaining access to personal information held in Nature Canada donor files;
  • a description of the type of information held by the organization and its intended use; and
  • a description of what information is made available to related organizations.

What information is collected and how is it used?
Most of the information we collect comes directly from our supporters. In general, we collect two types of information:

  • personal information; and
  • anonymous information

Personal information
We collect personal information primarily to build relationships with our supporters. The information collected and maintained in your customer file includes your name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, donation history, donor preferences and special program interests.

Depending on your preferred giving pattern additional information may be contained in your donor record. For example, if you choose to donate on a pre-authorized plan pertinent financial account information is held in your donor record.

Anonymous information
We routinely collect information that cannot be directly traced back to specific individuals. We gather anonymous information, for example, from surveys of donors and readers, and we draw demographic information from our files for analytical purposes. Our servers may also electronically collect information about the browsers and favourite pages of Web site visitors.

Please refer to Nature Canada’s Internet Privacy Policy for a more detailed description of our practices regarding our Web site.

Disclosure of information to outside parties
We strive to keep your personal information private at all times. Occasionally we may need to have our database systems analyzed by a third party, in which case we require and obtain written assurances that the firm abides by safeguard regulations set out in the privacy law.

Although many people are inherently generous, charities such as Nature Canada must reach out to current and prospective donors to stimulate giving. To reach out in a cost-effective manner, charities often target fundraising efforts to people who are most likely to give. To determine which people are most likely to contribute, charities often trade names with other like-minded charities.

Nature Canada may also collect and analyze information about groups of potential donors to assess their propensity and capacity to give.

As well, there are occasions when we are required by law to allow access to donor records. For example, our external auditing firm or Revenue Canada’s auditors may request to look at a sample of representative donor records or receipts during the course of their review of our accounting procedures.

Accessing and amending your information
As a donor you have the right to access, verify and amend personal information held in your record. Please call us toll-free at 1-800-267-4088 and request a copy of the information release form.

To help us keep your personal information current, we encourage you to make corrections whenever necessary. To amend personal contact information contained in your file please fill out the form attached or call us directly toll-free at 1-800-267-4088.

Contact information
If you have any questions about Nature Canada’s privacy policies outlined in this document or have a concern or complaint in regards to our information handling practices, please call us directly toll-free at 1-800-267-4088.

Internet Privacy Policy

Guidelines on Privacy and Confidentiality Policies

Internet Privacy Policy
Nature Canada’s Web site is an information tool that tells visitors about our goals, our conservation and education programs, and ways you can personally take action to protect our natural heritage. An important part of this on-line service involves dialogue, questions and answers, and feedback. If you are considering exchanging information with us, you may wonder what standards we uphold and how we protect your privacy.

Our standards
Nature Canada is a member of the Canadian Marketing Association. We are committed to its high standards, which require honesty, integrity and fairness in all customer relationships. Our Web site managers adhere to the Canadian Marketing Association’s Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice (Section J). We also uphold the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, which came into effect in Canada in 2004.

Collection of personal information
We collect personal information from you so we can start and maintain an active relationship to provide you with the service you want, and respond to your questions and conservation interests. If you support us financially, we collect information that allows us to process your donation by confirming your identity and address so we can issue you a complete and accurate receipt. If you prefer the convenience of our monthly giving program, we may collect credit card or bank account information.

We make sure you are aware we collect your personal information, that you know what information is being collected, and how it will be used. Should you make a donation to Nature Canada, inquire about our programs, participate in a survey or promotion, or contact our office, Nature Canada may also request some or all of the following personal information from you: your name, address and telephone number, e-mail address, fax number, date of birth and, for financial transactions only, credit card or banking information. You have the right to decline giving us this information.

From time to time Nature Canada exchanges mailing lists (although never e-mail addresses) with other organizations that share similar goals. This is a very cost-effective way to find new supporters. If you prefer not to receive mail from these organizations please tell us and we will honour your decision.

How does Nature Canada protect my personal information?
Any personal identifiable data about our supporters and on-line visitors is stored securely and kept in confidence. Our staff is authorized to access personal information only when the need for the information is in line with the reason it was provided. Nature Canada has technological and administrative safeguards in place that ensure the information is not disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was obtained. Other measures are in place to maintain the information’s integrity and to prevent its being lost or destroyed.

On our Web site a locked padlock icon indicates that a page is secure through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This means that industry-standard encryption technologies are active during the transfer and reception of your personal information.

What information is collected or released automatically on our Web site?
Nature Canada never uses cookies—data sent automatically to your computer from our Web site. On the other hand, our site’s operating system may automatically record some general information about your visit.
The information we collect includes:

  • the Internet domain of your service provider, such as or, and the Internet Provider (IP) address of the computer accessing our Web site, such as PPP-55;
  • the type of browser, such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer, and which version you are using;
  • the operating platform you are using, such as Macintosh, Unix, or Windows; and
  • the date and time of your visit at our site and the addresses of the pages you visited along with the URL of the last site you visited.

This tracking system does not record personal information about individuals or link this information to any personal data collected.

We analyze this information to better understand our Web site’s use and popularity. It helps us decide what needs to be refreshed and to diagnose problems with our server. The analysis is a confidential internal document at Nature Canada. The only number we ever disclose is the total number of visitors to our site.

What other information is collected?
From time to time we may collect the addresses of our visitors in order to better understand where you live and therefore how closely you might be connected to a particular issue. We do not use this information to identify you personally.

How does Nature Canada use non-personal information?
The information you supply is added to our database. As a result we may send you mailings or call you about our conservation and education programs. From time to time we use e-mail to keep in touch with you and other interested individuals. We never share e-mail addresses with other organizations.

When you leave this site
Our site contains links to the Web sites of other organizations. Once you link to another site you are subject to its privacy and security policies, not those of Nature Canada.

What information can I update?
In response to an e-mail message, telephone call or letter, we will update your Nature Canada account or record, including

  • contact information (name, address, phone number);
  • transaction information (dates on which we received your support); and
  • financial information (such as credit card account information).

Children’s policy
Nature Canada does not intentionally solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or request support from anyone under the age of 18 without the written consent of a parent or guardian. From time to time we will survey our young visitors, however, so we can consider their views when developing new educational materials.

If you want your name removed or your listing updated
If you do not want Nature Canada to use or disclose your name and other details for the sake of providing you with information which might be of interest to you, or if you want us to update your information, please contact us at the address below. Subject to any legal or statutory requirements, we will abide by your request. It generally takes 15 business days to update our records.

If you have not notified us previously about your preferences and do not do so now, we will understand that you have consented to our continued use, disclosure and retention of your information for these purposes. You may contact us to withdraw or change your consent at any time.

Any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or your personal information in our possession should be sent in to:

Privacy Officer
Nature Canada
Suite 300, 240 Bank St.,
Ottawa, ON K2P 1X4
Toll-free: 1-800-267-4088
E-mail: [email protected]


NOTE: Please read this disclaimer in its entirety before using our web site.
For the purpose of this disclaimer, Nature Canada will be referred to as “The COMPANY”

General Disclaimer of Liability

User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Owner and its affiliates, licensors, content and service providers, participating publishers, authors, dealers, and suppliers harmless from any liability, loss, claim, and expense, including lawyer’s fees and expenses, related to a User’s violation of this Agreement or use of the Web site.

All responsibility or liability for any damages caused by viruses contained within the electronic files or at the site is disclaimed.

This site contains links to other Internet sites. Such links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by the COMPANY.

All remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, or other information communicated to the COMPANY through this site (collectively, the “Submission”) will forever be the property of the COMPANY. The COMPANY will not be required to treat any Submission as confidential, and will not be liable for any ideas for its business (including without limitation, product or advertising ideas) and will not incur any liability as a result of any similarities that may appear in future products or operations of the COMPANY. Without limitation, the COMPANY will have exclusive ownership of all present and future existing rights to the Submission of every kind and nature everywhere. The COMPANY will be entitled to use the Submission for any commercial or other purpose whatsoever, without compensation to you or any other person sending the Submission. You acknowledge that you are responsible for whatever material you submit, and you, not the COMPANY, have full responsibility for the message, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality, and copyright.

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