Nature Canada

Women for Nature initiative honours New Founding Members, including The Hon. Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change

MEDIA ADVISORY: Nature for Women

Tuesday June 7, 2016

Nature Canada’s Vice-Chair Sheefra Brisbin and Executive Director Eleanor Fast join many influential women across Canada who are supporting the Women for Nature initiative to officially welcome 30 new Women for Nature Founding Members, including The Hon. Catherine McKenna.  This celebration will bring together leading women who are helping to save and protect wildlife and nature while inspiring future leaders. Attending members include:

  • Women for Nature’s recently appointed Co-Chairs (Professor Ann Dale and Dr. Brenda Kenny)
  • Senators Janis Johnson, (Women for Nature Honourary Chair) and Nancy Greene Raine
  • Members of Parliament The Hon. Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Hon. Dr. Kristy Duncan, Hon. Dr. Hedy Fry, Joyce Murray, Deborah Schulte, The Hon. Rona Ambrose, Linda Duncan and Elizabeth May

WHEN: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 from 6pm-8pm

The Hon. Catherine McKenna’s Opening Remarks and a brief update about the exciting Women for Nature incubator projects including its goal of being 150 Women Strong by Canada’s 150th anniversary is scheduled to begin at 6:15 pm.

WHERE: Ottawa, Room 256-S, Centre Block, Parliament Hill


To confirm your attendance or for more information about the event contact:

Janet Weichel McKenzie

613-808-4642 [email protected]

About Nature Canada

Nature Canada was founded in 1939 because of the passion and initiative of Mabel Frances Whittemore, a teacher and nature lover whose main goal in life was to share her passion for nature with others. Today, Nature Canada represents a network comprised of 45,000 members and supporters and more than 350 nature organizations across the country and with affiliates in every province. Over the past 75 years, Nature Canada has helped protect more than 63 million acres of parks and wildlife areas in Canada and countless species that depend on this habitat as well as engage hundreds of thousands of Canadians in nature through its activities.

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