Nature Canada

Nature Canada congratulates the federal government on its National Conservation Plan

OTTAWA – (May 15, 2014) Nature Canada applauds the federal government for unveiling its eagerly-anticipated National Conservation Plan to help conserve Canada’s important natural habitats.

“Nature Canada is looking forward to working with the federal government to inspire Canadians to put their boots on and get out into nature,” said Stephen Hazell, interim Nature Canada Executive Director.

Nature Canada has long advocated for connecting Canadians to nature and for the need to build a National Conservation Plan.

The $252-million plan includes funds for purchasing land and expanding the preservation of marine and coastal territory. The plan also includes $50-million for volunteer conservation efforts across Canada. “A priority for the $50-million earmarked to support voluntary actions should include protection of Canada’s threatened grasslands and endangered species such as the Greater Sage Grouse,” said Hazell. “It should also include support for the amazing voluntary efforts to conserve the 600 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) across Canada,” Hazell continued.


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Nature Canada is the oldest national nature conservation charity in Canada. Over the past 75 years, we’ve helped protect over 63 million acres of parks and wildlife areas in Canada and the countless species that depend on this habitat. Today, we represent a network of over 45,000 members & supporters and more than 350 nature organizations in every province across Canada.

Our mission is to protect and conserve nature in Canada by engaging Canadians and by advocating on behalf of nature.

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Paul Jorgenson,
Senior Communications Manager
613-562-3447 ext. 248
[email protected]

Monica Tanaka,
Communications Coordinator
613-562-3447 ext 241
[email protected]


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