Nature Canada

National Observer: Logging’s Climate Threat – Emissions Now Rival Transportation

A new report has found that logging in Canada released 147 megatonnes of carbon dioxide in 2022 - one-fifth of Canada’s total reported emissions.

The finding that logging is a high-emitting sector runs counter to longstanding claims by both industry and governments that logging in Canada is “sustainable” and a low-carbon climate solution. The federal government should conduct a full public review of concerns about underreporting of logging emissions, and start recognizing the true carbon footprint of logging. Then, a plan should be put in place to reduce logging emissions — both to help stem climate change, and to protect jobs through a transition to a cleaner, more competitive economy.

Read the National Observer article by Michael Polanyi →

“The finding that logging is a high-emitting sector runs counter to longstanding claims by both industry and governments that logging in Canada is “sustainable” and a low-carbon climate solution.” — Michael Polanyi, Policy and Campaign Manager, Nature Canada

Take Action

Tell your MP there’s no place for climate polluters to hide in Canada!

Ask your MP to join the stand asking for a clear report on greenhouse gas emissions from logging and an immediate strategy to reduce emissions and protect old-growth forests. Send the letter now!

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
