Nature Canada

Make a moment last forever?

Jodi headshotThis blog post was written by Jodi Joy, Director of Development.

Have you ever had a nature moment?  It could be the appearance of a hummingbird in your garden, sunlight filtering through maple leaves during a hike, or the glimpse of a chipmunk chirping away?  It’s one of those moments that lifts your spirits for a minute, takes you away from your busy thoughts and makes you smile from your soul.  You connect with nature in that moment, and understand how beautiful and important it is to all of us.

It’s hard to imagine a world without these moments, and why Nature Canada works every day to make sure they keep happening.  We do so by protecting forests and lakes, birds and plants – those parts of our NatureHood needed for all of us to experience these special moments.

My nature moment, with my son enjoying a walk in the woods.

My nature moment, with my son enjoying a walk in the woods.

To continue to do this we need your help. It may surprise you but a significant percentage of our funds come from legacy gifts – of all amounts.  We rely on the generosity of Canadians to do our important conservation efforts.  Together we promise to preserve and protect Canada’s natural heritage so that nature can be explored and adored by curious generations to come.

And there is plenty of work to do – we give nature a voice by fighting harmful developments, campaigning against habitat destruction, and advocating for laws and policies that benefit nature.  By remembering Nature Canada in your Will, you will ensure nature has a voice for years to come.

You can read more about how simple and fulfilling this decision can be on our legacy page or you can request our newest brochure which shows how you too can make a gift for Nature Forever.

I’m always happy to have an informal but confidential discussion about the best way that your gift in your Will could be used to help wildlife and all nature – you can also reach me, Jodi Joy at 1-800-267-4088 ext 239 or [email protected].

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
