Nature Canada

Hill Times: Fires Should Spark Rethink of Logging Industry Practices

Decades of clearcut logging, conifer planting and extensive fire suppression have exacerbated wildfire risk.

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“Several studies also show that industrial logging practices can exacerbate wildfire risk, particularly in the near-term. Clearcut logging often leaves behind unused smaller trees, branches, needles, and stumps, which can dry out and can contribute to wildfire fuel. Dense conifer plantings to replenish wood supply can also be very fire-prone. It’s industry rhetoric to suggest that the only reason people have concerns about clearcut logging is that it doesn’t ‘look pretty.’” — Dr Julee Boan, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Rachel Plotkin, David Suzuki Foundation

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Tell your MP there’s no place for climate polluters to hide in Canada!

Ask your MP to join the stand asking for a clear report on greenhouse gas emissions from logging and an immediate strategy to reduce emissions and protect old-growth forests. Send the letter now!

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