Nature Canada

The Power of Your Will: Verena’s Story

“I often joke that here on the farm we are one tent away from being a circus. As my Dad used to say, farm work is ‘character building’. I am proud of our family farm, and I love what we do. I’m also extremely proud of our decision to leave parts of our land for reforestation and rewilding. We now have a Monarch Butterfly “waystation”—it’s 2,000 square feet at the edge of our woodlot and I go there and count Monarchs. It’s delightful! When I’m in nature, I am reminded of how important it is for all of us, in our own way, whatever that means to you, to do what we can for nature. And I’ll do that today and forever. That’s why I’ve left a gift in my Will.”  

You have to Power to make a lasting difference for nature. And thanks to our new partnership with Willfora, experts in online Wills service, creating a legacy can be made easier than ever. Gifts in Wills are incredibly important for our work, making up a sizable amount of our income. A gift in your Will of even 1% after your loved ones have been looked after will bring new momentum to our cause and give hope for the future of Canada’s land, water, and wildlife.

You can also visit our simple and FREE online Will-writing tool right from the safety of your home. This is a confidential, simple and secure way to create your Will in 20 minutes or less.

There are more tools and other resources available on our Legacy webpage that can help you. 

Thank you Verena and all our members who reach out with your stories and memories about nature and why you support Nature Canada. I’d love to hear your story too – something we can share to inspire others! Drop me a note and let me know what drives your heart and the change in the world you want to see. I’m here and available to help.  

You can reach me anytime for a confidential conversation about your generosity in action and also about protecting Nature Forever with a gift in your Will. You can contact me at 1-800-267-4088 ext. 239 or by email: [email protected].

Thank you! 

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
