Nature Canada

Planting Seeds Today for Nature Tomorrow

Jodi and Noah

Jodi Joy
Director of Development and Communications

Dan and Donna’s love for nature grew like one of their cherished trees—slowly, naturally and gracefully. Together, they have spent 40 years planting trees on their property outside Clinton, Ontario. “We have 72 different types of trees here, and really each one is spectacular,” Dan says.

“We think of people who helped us plant our trees, and it makes it even more special. Some are memorial trees for people who have come and gone. Others just remind us of friends or family and it makes us smile.” Dan adds, “I volunteered as a big brother and he and I planted some, so I go by and think about him. He’s about 40 now, with 2 beautiful kids.”

“When we moved here, this was just an open field with very little wildlife. We have created different habitats—a hardwood zone, little open meadows, a pond area. Mother Nature has come to us!”

They built wooden duck boxes—and were delighted when one box had 23 ducklings. “It was like a clown car!” Dan laughs. The next fall, it became home for a Screech Owl, and last year it brought a mate and they nested. Planting wildflowers has been a joyful experience too, and their meadows of goldenrod and milkweed provide habitat for pollinators.

Image of members

Dan and Donna Taylor

Donna and Dan both actively volunteer with local groups. “She’s doing things and I’m opposing things,” Dan says with a smile. “I’m proud of her work on the local stewardship council, helping protect watersheds and public education programs. And I know she’s proud of me for my letter-writing campaigns and speaking out against development projects that harm nature.”

“We believe that we have a responsibility to act for nature. We must protect endangered species, and to do that, we must protect habitat. And it’s crucial to keep connecting youth with nature—if people don’t understand what they are going to miss, we won’t save it!”

“We believe that we have a responsibility to act for nature.”

“And we also believe that part of taking action is giving. We’ve been Nature Canada supporters for a long time. For years, this organization has been on the front lines defending nature. They need funding. And we trust them to do good work. We can see for ourselves that Nature Canada gets victories for the things we value.”

If you are interested in having a confidential discussion about your gifts to Nature Canada, and how your values can live on with a gift to nature in your Will, I would love to hear from you. Contact me at [email protected] or 1-800-267-4088 ext. 239. Thank you!

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