Nature Canada

Nature Canada’s 80th year celebration

On Tuesday Nature Canada celebrated 80 years as Canada’s voice for nature.

Supporters gathered at a reception hosted by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

“I have had the privilege of being in conversations with Ontarians in every corner of this province. I do believe that they are united in a desire for a world that works for everyone, in which the environment thrives under our mutual care,” said Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell.

“So together, on this anniversary, let us recommit to raising awareness, to having productive conversations, and to sparking and taking the action this province and this planet need to achieve a brighter, greener future,” she said.

Board Vice-Chair Sheefra Brisbin joined her in thanking all members of Nature Canada from now and the past and encouraging action.

“We believe it is more urgent than ever for Canadians to unite together to defend and restore nature for our future. With our courage, creativity and innovation, we can find solutions in this pressing time to reverse species loss and make room for the nature that we depend on for our survival and prosperity,” she said.

See photos from the event:

Chomper the Great Horned Owl. Michael McDonald
Her Honour Elizabeth Dowdeswell Photo by Joe Segal, Office of the Lieutenant Governor
Tom Rakocevic and Gauri Sreenivasan LG Event
Garry Sault, Photo by Joe Segal, Office of the Lieutenant Governor
Katherine Balpataky, Ted Cheskey and Lara Ellis ALUS
Volunteer of the year- Ann Dale, Janet Bax, Dawn Carr with Elizabeth Dowdeswell and Sheefra Brisbin
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We also honoured our 2019 Volunteers of the Year Award recipients:

  • Ann Dale, for her work leading on the Biodiversity Action Agenda
  • Janet Bax, for her initiative on the Women for Nature mentorships
  • Dawn Carr, for her leadership on our Young Nature Leaders bursaries

As Canada’s voice for nature, our members and partners have protected over 110 million acres of wilderness and thousands of species across Canada over the past 80 years. Our contributions include conservation efforts in Ontario such as our work to establish Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area and Rouge National Urban Park.

Campaigns director Gauri Sreenivasan shared an update with supporters on our major Make Room for Nature campaign to expand formal legal protection for land and marine systems across Canada.

“Nature is a key part of our heritage and our identity; of our sustenance and our economy, and of our wellness and connectedness with each other. But nature is in free fall. One million species worldwide are at risk of extinction. And so we thank you for coming because there is much to do. None of us can do it alone, but together there is much we can accomplish,” she said.

“Nature Canada is working hard with the support of donors and partners like you to mobilize Canadians in Ontario and across the country.”

Special thanks to our partners and sponsors of 80th Anniversary Celebration: Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Baker Tilly Professional Accountants, Royal Bank of Canada, Rae & Lipskie Partnership, Pollinate Networks, The Printing House and Agents of Good.

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
