Nature Canada

Support Your Loved Ones and Make a Difference – Check Out Your Will Power

No doubt nature has played an incredibly important role in your life.  It has brought you joy and wonderful memories with many more to come.  The sound of a loon calling in the clear moonlight…or the rustle of chipmunk in your garden, or the flutter of a songbird on your hiking path.  

And lately, those moments in nature likely helped you weather these very unusual times.  Thank you for your incredible support and your continued trust in our efforts to defend and restore nature across Canada.  Nature Canada only exists because of our community of members, activists and volunteers!

It’s inspiring hearing so many stories from our members about why nature is so important to them. And who has your love of nature in your life?

Your mother, father, teacher or a close friend who shared their love and respect for the natural world with you from an early age? That resulted in Mary’s lifelong love of birds…Dan and Donna’s efforts to plant 73 species of trees…Gisele and her husband’s hiking to discover the wonders of Canada’s national parks. 

That’s exactly why Nature Canada works to protect forests and lakes, birds and plants – the parts of nature that enrich our souls.

The stories may differ but I hear common purpose in what our members believe are the most urgent priorities to protect and restore our land, water and species…and how everyone wants to have a positive meaningful impact. It’s always such an enjoyable time chatting with our members to hear shared values and future hopes and intentions. This September, Nature Canada has joined with other charities to promote Will Power month, a campaign to encourage Canadians to leave a lasting legacy by including a gift in their will for their favourite charity.  Every gift no matter the size is a wonderful way to give back to society.

Making a gift in the Will is a powerful way to protect what you love. And it does not have to be an either/or concept – you can leave a gift to a charity like Nature Canada while still taking care of those you love. A gift in your Will of even 1% after your loved ones have been looked after will bring new momentum to our cause and give hope for the future of Canada’s land, water, and wildlife.

Making this decision goes beyond the simple concept of distributing personal assets, it’s about ensuring a legacy for what matters to you. Many of our loyal supporters, people who share your concerns about wildlife and value nature have chosen to include Nature Canada in their Will.  You can see too by visiting the Will Power website to calculate the impact you can have to save nature while taking care of your family and loved ones.  You can also find an expert adviser through the website who’s is eager and ready to help you take action and next steps together.  

Will you consider protecting our future by leaving a gift to Nature Canada in your Will?

I’m always available to talk together about how you can make a lasting impact on our work through a gift in your Will.  To preserve nature for future generations to enjoy and make memories in nature too!

Because of supporters like you, Nature Canada will continue working to protect our country’s beautiful wilderness 

and tackle the biggest challenges facing our natural world.

Image of Jodi Joy

Jodi Joy
Director of Development
[email protected]
613-562-3447 ext. 239 | 1-800-267-4088

Want to Help?

Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
