Nature Canada
Jacques Gelineau

Good News on the High Seas!

Nature Canada pushes leaders to sign the High Seas Treaty, promising to halt the collapse of oceans.

Often in our work to protect and conserve nature, we have to measure progress in small, incremental steps. Only very occasionally are we able to experience a great leap forward. Canada’s decision to sign the UN High Seas Treaty is one of those leaps. And our voices for nature helped make it possible!

This treaty, the UN Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty, is one of the most consequential conservation instruments of all time.

Oceans cover seventy percent of the planet’s surface, and the vast majority are international waters. Too many states have treated the oceans like zones open for lawless exploitation, reducing much of it to watery deserts. The treaty promises to halt that collapse, by protecting biodiversity across nearly one-third of international waters.

When the treaty was finalized in the spring of last year, the government of Canada publicly applauded it. Yet, when it was presented at the UN General Assembly, our government was not amongst the eighty-three that stepped forward to sign. Nature Canada appealed to our country’s nature community, and thirty-three major conservation institutions signed a joint letter with us, urging the government to act. Our letter was amplified by you — our members and local nature groups.

Together, we pushed for important change and got it. Thank you for raising your voice for nature and making this victory possible!

Want to help us make waves and protect the ocean? If you haven’t already, add your name to become an Ocean Defender!

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
