Nature Canada

Earth Hour – Third Annual Winemakers Dinner Event

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Nature Canada is thrilled to partner again with Southbrook Vineyards on their upcoming 3nd annual Earth Hour Winemakers Dinner to be celebrated on Saturday March 19th from 7:00 to 10:00 pm. This year’s they are Featuring a meal prepared by Chef John Vetere and Chef Tanya Ganassini of the Norton Underground.

What is so interesting and exciting about this celebration is the special delicious 3-course meal with wine pairings all enjoyed by candle light.  What is even more amazing is that proceeds help support our efforts to conserve and protect Monarch butterflies in Canada.

Many of us fondly remember watching monarchs flitting around in the fields  of our youth.  I was thrilled  to spot one on a nature walk with my children last summer.  But Monarchs are declining in numbers and less common to see and enjoy than ever before.  This is why Nature Canada is working to raise awareness about the importance of milkweed and encouraging backyard butterfly gardens for their continued survival.  Also we are calling for more conservation action by the federal government for their protection across their migratory pathway.

We are so thankful to Southbrook Vineyards for helping us to raise funds through their Earth Hour Winemakers Dinner and encourage you to consider attending.  There were rave reviews from last year’s event with guests delighted to be both supporting conservation and giving back while enjoying such a lovely meal and fabulous organic wines in the perfect candle-lit atmosphere of the Great Room.

Why not consider attending the Candle Lit Winemaker’s Dinner at Southbrook to celebrate your Earth Hour!  Proceeds will help protect Monarchs while celebrating a great cause.


Southbrook Vineyards Winemaker’s Dinner

When:  Earth Hour, Saturday March 19, 2016, 7:00 – 10:00 pm

Where:  Southbrook Vineyards, 581 Niagara Stone Road, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0

Cost:     $110 + HST (with proceeds to Nature Canada)

How to Register:  Register online by emailing: [email protected]

Or register by telephone:  (905) 641 2548

Email Lindsay Park for more information:  [email protected]

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