Nature Canada

Bird Friendly Cities: Protecting the Future of Our Feathered Friends

Learn about the challenges faced by birds in our cities and towns, and the solutions advanced by Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City program to make municipalities across the country more Bird Friendly.

Birds have long been a source of inspiration and wonder for people all over the world. Their songs, vibrant plumage, and unique behaviors add beauty and life to our urban landscapes. However, the threats facing urban birds especially species at risk have become a cause for concern.

Threats to Birds in Our Built Environments

Over the past five decades, urbanization and human activities have taken a significant toll on bird populations, particularly in North American cities and towns. Shockingly, we have lost a quarter of the wild bird population — nearly 3 billion birds. This decline is attributed to several factors, including:

  1. Predation by cats and dogs: Domestic pets pose a threat to bird populations as they hunt birds for sport or food.
  2. Collisions with buildings and vehicles: Birds in built environments often collide with glass windows and vehicles leading to fatal injuries.
  3. Pesticide use: The use of pesticides in cities for lawns, landscaping and other uses can contaminate the environment, affecting both bird food sources due to insect declines as well as their overall health.
  4. Habitat loss: Urban development without consideration for birds, along with habitat destruction, have left them with limited places to nest and forage for food.

The Role of Bird-Friendly Cities, Towns and Villages

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Nature Canada is taking a proactive stance to address the decline of birds, species at risk and biodiversity at large through our Bird Friendly City certification program. Cities, towns, and villages across Canada are showing the way by making impactful changes to become Bird Friendly Certified.

The goal is to create safe, thriving spaces for birds where:

The Bird-Friendly City Program

Municipalities that join the Bird Friendly City Program can access valuable resources and support from Nature Canada. Here are some key benefits that municipalities and residents enjoy when they join the program:

  1. Demonstrates commitment: Certification in the program serves as a tangible demonstration of a city or town’s dedication to protecting birds, showing residents the importance of our feathered friends in our communities and the broader ecosystem.
  2. Access to resources: Nature Canada offers guidance and resources to help municipalities and Bird Friendly Teams to develop policies, practices and initiatives to save bird lives.
  3. Network support: By participating in the program, communities become part of a network of over 50 municipalities across Canada actively working to protect bird populations.

Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City Program offers a clear path for communities to make a positive impact to help save bird lives. Together, we can create a brighter future for our feathered friends and for the planet as a whole.

Want to learn how to make your city bird friendly? Want to help save bird lives in your community and across Canada? Sign up for updates.

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