Nature Canada

Become a Canadian Lakes Loon Surveyor

The 2013 Canadian Lakes Loon Survey (CLLS) season is here, and surveyors are needed across Canada. Participants survey their lakes at least three times per year (once in June, once in July, and once in August), record the number of Common Loon pairs, and track the number of chicks each pair raises to adult size. Surveyors also record other bird species seen nearby. Each participant receives a package with instructions and forms. After the season is complete, forms are returned to Bird Studies Canada or the information is entered online. The results are analyzed to help assess loon and lake health. Read the most recent research paper in Avian Conservation and Ecology.
Support conservation – participate in one of Bird Studies Canada’s oldest programs! Just count the loons while spending time on your favourite lake. Register online or contact Kathy Jones ([email protected] or 1-888-448-2473 ext. 124) for information. The CLLS is a self-supporting program, so you must be a Bird Studies Canada member to participate. To view a map of available Canadian lakes and their most recent survey year, select this link.

Photographer Jed Sheeh

Photographer Jed Sheeh

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