Nature Canada

Adaptation & Green Infrastructure

Climate change is already impacting us. Extreme weather events, such as fires, floods, heat waves and droughts, are becoming more frequent and severe.

Cities and towns are facing increased costs to protect their residents, spending billions to deal with weather-related damages, and investing in new or enhanced infrastructure to prevent damage. Leaders are learning that it is often more economical to protect and enhance natural or green infrastructure – planting trees to reduce extreme heat, or constructing wetlands to reduce flooding – than it is to build traditional grey infrastructure. 

Approaches include: 

  • Better account for the value of natural assets
  • Embed nature-based climate solutions in adaptation planning
  • Establish, protect or better manage created ecosystems through afforestation, planting grass strips near waterways, and constructing wetlands for water purification


Taking Action in Canada

Check out these examples of ways that adaptation is used as a nature-based climate solution, from local neighbourhood level to nation-wide initiatives. They might help you to think of projects for your community!

Resources for Action

Want to Help?

Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
