Nature Canada
Gray Tree Frog, Edward Busby

Charles Labatiuk Scholarship

The Charles Labatiuk Scholarship Award was established through the legacy gift of Charles Labatiuk and the Charles Labatiuk Nature Endowment Fund. Charles Labatiuk was an avid nature conservationist, mountaineer, and world traveler who enjoyed and excelled as a photographer, writer, gardener, and pianist. These awards were introduced to honour his life and his passion for nature. 


Any student entering or continuing their studies at an accredited college or university in Canada in the interdisciplinary study of natural environmental systems may apply. Students enrolled in studies focusing on ecosystems, how they operate, and their symbiotic relationship with people are encouraged to apply.

Apply Now

Essays are to be received no later than 5:00 pm [Eastern Time] on June 30th, 2024. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. The scholarship recipient will be chosen by August 1st and an announcement will be made on our website in mid-September; please check back to learn more about the winner. Nature Canada employees, children, or relatives of employees are not eligible for this scholarship award.

All applications must include a completed application form which will be evaluated based on an essay submission. The essay should be a maximum of 1000 words and reflect on why nature conservation is important to you and the world, how you want to contribute to conservation, and how your studies will help you achieve your goals. Nature Canada Awards Committee will score the essays based on the following criteria:

  • Intellectual content (original, thought-provoking) – 50%
  • Presentation and style – 50%
  • Only one essay submission per applicant.

All essays submitted become the property of Nature Canada. Successful essays may be published by Nature Canada through our website and other forms of media. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted to provide consent for publication before a winner is announced.

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