Nature Canada

Connect with Nature: Nature, Food and Play

Photo by John Corvera (via Flickr)

It feels like we’ve hit mid-summer this week in Ottawa, but we’re really only a few weeks into the growing season. In spite of that, there’s a harvest bounty right around the corner – berries! My favourite way to enjoy berries is sun-warmed and picked fresh off the vine, but even if you’re just having a strawberry social in the backyard food is a great way to connect with the natural world all around us.

If you’re going out to pick your own berries, it’s a wonderful opportunity to just enjoy the outdoors. You can also spend some quality family time together by taking multiple generations of family members on the trip; I usually go out with my mom and grandmother to a local strawberry patch. While you’re enjoying the juicy goodness of your berries, remember all of nature’s effort that went in to producing them – the seeds, soil, rain, pollinators and sun that all came together to create the fruit you’re eating.

To experience the growing process yourself, why not plant a bean tent in your backyard? They make wonderful, edible summer hideaways!

Photo by Zero-X (via Flickr)
  1. Start by clearing space for your tent, raking the soil smooth and marking out a circle the diameter you want for your tent.
  2. Insert poles into the earth around the circle, about a foot apart, and tie them together at the top. This makes the frame for your tent.
  3. Tie strings in horizontal lines around the poles to act as a trellis that will help guide the plants. Remember to leave a space between two poles for a doorway!
  4. Plant your bean seeds around the outside of your tent circle according to the instructions on the package. Water them well as they start to sprout.
  5. Help your young bean plants find the tent frame and trellis strings and begin to guide them upwards. If there are any gaps, you can replant your bean seeds every couple of weeks which will also ensure that you have a constant supply of beans all summer.
  6. Enjoy your shady, natural tent!

Having a closer connection to our food sources leads to healthier lifestyles, helps us learn about the world around us and can be a lot of fun. Get outside and play with your food this month!

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