Nature Canada

Nature Thanks You!

Jodi and Noah

By Jodi Joy
Director of Development

“Nature makes me feel grounded, part of the earth’s grand scheme of things. The more I observe and learn the greater the wonder and caring.”

– Linda, ON, Member since the 1980s

As the end of 2016 quickly approaches, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on our most cherished nature memories this year. These memories captured through experiences, stories, and photographs have inspired us to share our love of nature with our families and friends and we hope these stories have inspired you to reflect on how important nature is to each and every one of us.

“Sitting on the rocks with my arm around my young daughter, looking out at the lake to see her dad and brother in the canoe, and sharing this amazing experience with her, my heart opened to all the beauty and wonder around us. It was a moment of perfect contentment. Filled with so much joy and gratitude, I don’t think I could have been happier.” – Paula, BC, Member for over 25 years

Midden Falls by Theodore Lo

“All my life I’ve been very interested in the world around me and its inhabitants—plants, birds and beasts. I am still in awe of all the myriad of species our earth is home to.” – Obee, NS, Member since 1982


Monarch by Man-Kay Koon

“There is nothing so peaceful or satisfying as being outside amidst rocks, trees and water, or on trails and hearing birds, seeing animals, viewing the trees and gorgeous scenery of this super, gorgeous country!” – Arlene, ON, Member since 1998


West Wood Pewees by Tony LePrieur

As we look forward to 2017, an enormous thank you to all of our members who stand alongside us to be a strong voice for nature. It is so heartwarming that you and your fellow members care so deeply about wildlife and wilderness. Thank you for your kindness, compassion and commitment to nature this past year.

Your generous support has helped tremendously to defend the animals, plants, clean air and water that we depend on. You and I can be thankful for the gifts and blessings of this special planet.

free-christmas-clip-art-holly-christmas-holly-clipart-holly_christmas_3_xmas_holiday-3333pxSeason’s Greetings and Happy New Year!

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