Nature Canada

Is your city bird-friendly? North America’s birds are in trouble. A major study from 2019 reported that the continent has lost three billion birds in the last 50 years. That accounts for a quarter of all birds.

Many of these birds are our neighbours—common species that live in our towns and cities. Coordinated, science-backed action is needed to reverse this tragic trend.

About the Campaign

That’s why Nature Canada is working with local partners to create Bird-Friendly Cities across Canada. We team up with nature groups, municipal officials, and other community stakeholders to ensure our urban environments are safe havens for birds rather than a source of threats.

From predation by domestic cats, to window and car collisions, cities and towns present many hazards to birds.

Bird-friendly cities are communities where:

  • Key threats to birds are effectively mitigated;
  • Nature is restored so native bird populations can thrive;
  • Residents are actively engaged in admiring and monitoring local bird populations;
  • Organizations are creating events to protect birds;
  • Progressive municipal policies are created to protect urban bird populations; and
  • A Bird Team has been created to oversee and lead these initiatives.

How to Help

Want to learn how to make your city bird friendly? Sign up here for a free guide to creating a safer urban environment for birds in your city!

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Want to Help?

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