Nature Canada

The Hill Times: Canada has a Chance to Lead on the World Stage with an Improved Nature Accountability Act

At the end of April this year we hosted our Nature on the Hill event and something exciting happened! Kristen Walters from Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Senator Rosa Galvez, and Akaash Maharaj from Nature Canada came together to talk about a new law called the Nature Accountability Act, or Bill C-73.

This law is really important because it could help protect Canada’s natural places and animals. Bill C-73 aims to change that by making sure the government follows through on its promises to protect nature. It would give the Nature Strategy (aka the National Biodiversity Strategy) real power, making it enforceable by law. This is a big moment for Canada. By passing and improving this law, our country could lead the world in protecting nature. 

Nature on the Hill showed how important it is for people who care about the environment to work together. With the help of Kristen, Senator Galvez, and Akaash, we’re one step closer to making sure Canada’s nature is protected for future generations. 

“We are now at a pivotal moment where Canada can advance a Nature Accountability Act that is precedent setting and timely.” – Senator Rosa Galcez, Kristen Walters and Akaash Maharaj

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Let the government know we’re running out of time to act, the biodiversity crisis needs to be addressed now!

To support our call to protect nature, you can send a letter to your MP calling for:

  • Permanent funding for the protection of nature.
  • Plans to save critical ecosystems like grasslands, forests, wetlands and ocean.

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
