Nature Canada

Senator, ‘Amma’, and now Honourary Chair of Women for Nature!

Image of Janis Johnson

Senator Janis Johnson

The Board and staff of Nature Canada are honoured to have Senator Janis Johnson as the Honorary Chair of Nature Canada’s Women for Nature Initiative. Senator Johnson has dedicated her career to serving Canadians in politics, business and arts and has served in many prominent positions in her community and her country. Her passion for social justice and equality for women led her to study political science, graduate to a career working in politics, and run her own business.

In the 1980s, Senator Johnson became the first woman to establish and chair the federal Progressive Conservative Women’s Caucus. Subsequently, she became the first female National Director of the PC Party of Canada in 1983. She was called to the Senate of Canada in 1990 and in addition to this eminent role, has also been an active volunteer on social advocacy campaigns. Johnson served on the boards of two universities, the YM/YWCA, Special Olympics Manitoba and Canada, the Winnipeg Art Gallery and currently, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s National Advisory Council.

Senator Johnson raised a family, is an “Amma” now and her greatest joy is taking her young grandsons on walks along Gimli Beach, where she has a home. Nature and the outdoors, especially Lake Winnipeg, have played a huge role in her life. She has worked on issues affecting the health of the lake and it is the place where she feels closest to nature. Indeed, her love of nature was spawned there. She founded the Gimli Film Festival 13 years ago, which features a large screen planted in the lake allowing people to watch movies under the stars and observe the marvel of the Northern Lights.

She spoke at our recent Women for Nature celebration on Parliament Hill and expressed her delight at partnering with our organization to celebrate nature’s profound impact on Canadians. She is “attracted to the work that Nature Canada does to offer thousands of kids each year the opportunity to interact with their outdoor environment and to better understand it” and how it is so beneficial for one’s mental health and well-being.

Senator Johnson proudly partners with Nature Canada and her fellow members of Women for Nature. She believes, as we do, in “women and the power we bring to doing this important work with our children and families across this country we love so much.”

If you or a woman you know is interested in taking a leadership role to save wildlife, protect your NatureHood and connect children to nature, please contact Jodi at 1-800-267-4088 ext. 239 or [email protected]. You can also visit to learn more about Women for Nature and get to know the amazing women involved. We look forward to inviting more women with a deep personal connection to nature to also become involved with the Women for Nature initiative.

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