Nature Canada

Urban Innovation for Birds and Biodiversity: Nature Canada Announces Newest Certified Bird Friendly Cities & Towns

26 Canadian municipalities of all sizes create safe havens for birds and biodiversity.

Unceded Algonquin Territory — Ottawa, ON | May 22, 2024

On this International Day for Biological Diversity, Nature Canada is thrilled to announce Canada’s 7 newest and re-certified Bird Friendly Cities and Towns: Vancouver, BC; Burlington, ON; Hamilton, ON; Regina, SK; Lions Bay, BC; Dorval, QC; and City of Kawartha Lakes, ON. Bird Friendly City Certification demonstrates a commitment to conserving important bird habitats, reducing and mitigating key threats to birds and educating the public about how to take action to save bird lives.

As urban expansion continues, Canadian municipalities must take action now to save guard bird populations and biodiversity for future generations. In the fourth year of programming, Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City Certification program has designated a total of 26 municipalities as Bird Friendly.  In each municipality seeking to become Bird Friendly Certified, Bird Teams are created and residents actively protect and monitor their local bird populations while advocating for municipal policies and practices to protect birds.



Dorval, QC is the third Bird Friendly Certified municipality within the province of Quebec. With over 108 purple martin condos, active banding and nest box monitoring and community science initiatives to track local populations of Short-eared Owls with Technoparc Oiseaux, Dorval has strong stewardship practices for species of high conservation concern. Learn more about Dorval’s Bird Committee and actions here.

“The City of Dorval is thrilled to have the ongoing efforts of its citizens, partners and employees recognized by Nature Canada with certification as a Bird Friendly City. The various actions taken in recent years, and the many others in development emphasize our commitment to supporting birds and biodiversity more broadly in Dorval. We hope that this certification inspires individuals and our broader community to continue reducing threats, protecting habitats, and becoming further engaged in supporting birds.” — Christopher von Roretz, Councillor, District 5, City of Dorval

“We are delighted to have received Bird-friendly Certification from Nature Canada! Working through the application criterion gave us a roadmap to assess what we were doing to improve the situation for birds in Dorval, and what more we could do. Thanks to this effort, the City of Dorval has initiated a series of programs to involve citizens and the City in the birdlife around them.” — Marian MacNair, Dorval resident, Bird Committee member

Local Press Release (English)
Local Press Release (French)


At over 3,000km2 in area, the City of Kawartha Lakes is home to over 260 bird species and a very abundant Osprey population as well as rare Alvar ecosystems. The Bird Friendly Kawartha Lakes team is dedicated to connecting with their community and continuing to protect, defend and restore their local bird populations. Learn more about their work here.

“We are thrilled that Nature Canada has awarded us Entry Level Bird Friendly City Certification! It is a recognition of the commitment to a Healthy Environment expressed in our Strategic Plan and the bird conservation efforts of many organizations within our municipality. Along with our Bird Friendly City neighbours, City of Peterborough and Selwyn Township, we look forward to continuing this important work.” — Pat Warren, Councillor, Ward 2, City of Kawartha Lakes

“Becoming a certified Bird-Friendly City is not just a title; it’s a significant milestone for our community,” shared Thomas Luloff, who represents the Bird Friendly Kawartha Lakes (BFKL) team. “It underscores our commitment to environmental stewardship and highlights our dedication to preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity that makes Kawartha Lakes so unique. But our journey doesn’t end here. As we celebrate this achievement, we also look forward to exciting new initiatives. ” — Thom Luloff, Bird Friendly Kawartha Lakes Team Member

Local Press Release


The City of Vancouver, first certified in 2021, prohibits all cosmetic pesticide use and neonicotinoids on private property under their Health Bylaw No. 9535, allowing insect-eating birds to have abundant food sources alongside adopting rodenticide-free pest management practices across British Columbia. Learn more about Vancouver’s Bird Friendly initiative here.

“Receiving the Bird Friendly City certification from Nature Canada is a clear, positive sign that the City of Vancouver is striving to provide quality wildlife habitat within the city, reduce the threats to birds, and engage with the community around the value of birds in our lives. Birds Canada will continue to work with the City in the future to mitigate the main drivers of the biodiversity crisis by preventing window collisions, to enhance habitat for birds, reduce disturbance by domesticated animals and invasive species, and reduce pesticide use and light pollution during bird migration periods.” — David Bradley, BC Director, Birds Canada.

“Stanley Park Ecology Society is thrilled to learn that Vancouver has received Bird Friendly City certification through Nature Canada. This achievement indicates an ongoing commitment to bird threat reduction, habitat protection and restoration as well as community engagement and education. Vancouver plays a significant role in bird conservation due to the unique location on the Fraser River delta, a major stop along the Pacific Flyway that stretches from Alaska to Central and South America. Stanley Park Ecology Society continues to engage in bird conservation efforts, habitat and wildlife monitoring, as well as community engagement through the annual Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration and Birding with Me programming.” — Tricia Collingham, Executive Director, Stanley Park Ecology Society

“The City of Vancouver is proud to have been re-certified as a Bird Friendly City in 2024, having been one of the first Canadian municipalities to achieve this distinction in 2021. Birds in our city demonstrate that we are achieving broader goals around biodiversity, ecological health and access to nature. We are proud of our work so far and will continue to protect and enhance bird habitat and promote outreach and bird tourism opportunities.” — Ken Sim, Mayor of Vancouver

Local Press Release


The Cities of Hamilton and Burlington were initially certified as Bird Friendly in 2022 and successfully re-certified with higher designation levels. The City of Hamilton’s Biodiversity Action Plan protects both birds and their habitats through modified land management practices and preserving Hamilton’s natural areas and parks. The City of Burlington has committed to reducing the threat of free-roaming cats on wild birds through their Animal Control By-law 060-2005, enforcement and educational campaigns. Learn more about Hamilton and Burlington’s Bird Friendly activities here.

“This is great news for our city and thank you once again to the incredible work by Bird Friendly Hamilton Burlington in their efforts to keep us a Bird Friendly City! Burlington continues to work to make our local airspace friendly to our avian community members, such as continuing the growth of our urban tree canopy, maintaining a firm urban boundary to conserve our natural heritage system and implementing bird-friendly design guidelines in our Official Plan and Sustainable Building and Development Guidelines. We will continue to do all that we can to ensure our feathered neighbours are safe and feel right at home in Burlington.” — Marianne Meed Ward, Mayor of Burlington

“As in the past, it is a delight that Burlington is being recognized again by Nature Canada as they renew Burlington’s Bird Friendly City certification for another 2 years. Burlington community members, local organizations, schools, businesses, the City of Burlington, along with our Bird Friendly Hamilton Burlington team have made this important award possible and will continue to improve the environment for birds.” — Paul Sharman, Councillor, Ward 5 Burlington and Region of Halton

“We are thrilled that Nature Canada has renewed Burlington’s Bird Friendly City certification! While there’s still much work to be done, we are seeing continual progress each year. We are grateful for the collaborative support from Burlington City Council and city staff, our bird team partners, the community, and Nature Canada, as we continue to work for wild bird conservation and awareness locally.” — Dave Tourchin, Co-chair, Bird Friendly Hamilton Burlington

“I support Bird Friendly Hamilton Burlington in their ongoing efforts to ensure that the City of Hamilton is a bird friendly city for years to come. I’m especially appreciative of the work they do to ensure that our urban environments are safe havens for birds. As the Ward 2 City Councillor, I represent residents who live in a dense urban area where wildlife, including birds, are at increased risk. The work of those who advocate on behalf of our feathered friends is necessary, urgent, and directly linked to City Council’s priorities for the 2022-26 term of office.” — Councillor Cameron Kroetsch, Ward 2 of Hamilton

“We are so happy to have been recertified as a Bird Friendly City and to move from entry level to intermediate level. We want to thank Hamilton City Council for voting in favour of supporting Hamilton being a Bird Friendly City and especially thank Councillor Cameron Kroetsch for moving the motion forward. We also want to thank everyone who has taken bird-friendly actions (residents, businesses, organizations, schools, the City of Hamilton). As you will conclude from the application, Hamilton is a Bird Friendly City in so many ways and we are excited to hear that there are more bird-friendly motions on the way. It has been heartwarming to witness the movement to help and protect birds getting bigger, both locally and internationally.” — Sara Shwadchuck, Co-chair of Bird Friendly Hamilton Burlington

Local Press Release (Hamilton, ON)
Local Press Release (Burlington, ON)


The City of Regina was first certified in 2022, Bird Friendly Regina and the city has made huge strides in educating the public about the importance of bird conservation and community outreach. This past October they engaged over 21,000 residents to vote in their Official City Bird poll! Learn more about their important efforts to save bird lives in Regina here.

“I am proud that the City of Regina has garnered an additional seven points from Nature Canada for our entry-level status. It shows that our City — the only bird-friendly city in Saskatchewan — is moving forward on policies and practices to protect our bird populations.” — Cheryl Stadnichuk, Councillor Ward 1, City of Regina, Bird Friendly Regina Advisor Member

“Birds play an essential role in maintaining healthy ecosystems which impacts our own health and wellbeing. This renewed designation is a tribute to the collaboration between our community and the City of Regina in creating safe environments for birds to thrive.” — Elaine Ehman, Past President of Nature Regina, Bird Friendly Regina Committee Member

Local Press Release


As the very first Bird Friendly Certified Town in 2022, Bird Friendly Lions Bay is a powerhouse in their village. From hosting ocean shoreline cleanups to sustainability coffee chats and collaborating with their local library on birder backpack kits, Bird Friendly Lions Bays’ renewed commitment to the Bird Friendly City Certification program demonstrates that no matter how big your municipality may be, there are always ways to make positive changes for birds. Learn more about their efforts here.

“The Village of Lions Bay is proud to renew its certification and advance in Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City program. Through our volunteers, the community is making a difference in protecting habitat and preserving our ecosystem.” — Ross Blackwell, Lions Bay Chief Administrative Officer

“We are thrilled that our Bird Friendly City certification has been successfully renewed! We say “it takes a village” and advancing to the Intermediate Level is indeed thanks to the collaboration of several community groups, especially the native plant garden team and Butterflyway Project, our Trailblazers, Nature Lions Bay, municipal staff, councillors and residents, who have been so supportive. Everything is connected and, by working together, we can achieve exponentially more to make a difference for our birds, their habitat and their food sources.” — Penny Nelson, Lions Bay Bird Friendly Team Lead

Local Press Release


Nature Canada is pleased to acknowledge the support of Environment and Climate Change Canada for the Bird Friendly City program and World Migratory Bird Day.

Nature Canada is Canada’s voice for nature. For 85 years, Nature Canada has helped protect nearly 144 million acres of parks and wildlife areas in Canada and countless species. Today, Nature Canada represents a network of over 250,000 members and supporters and more than 1,200 nature organizations.

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For more information about Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City Certification please contact:
Autumn Jordan, Urban Nature Organizer
613-562-3447 ext. 238
[email protected]

For more information about Dorval’s Bird Friendly Certification please contact:
Annick Charest, Director of Communications & Citizen Relations, City of Dorval
[email protected]

For more information about  Kawartha Lakes Bird Friendly Certification please contact:
Thom Luloff, Bird Friendly City Peterborough & Kawartha Lakes
[email protected]

For more information about Vancouver’s Bird Friendly Certification please contact:
[email protected]

For more information about Hamilton or Burlington’s Bird Friendly Certification please contact:
Dave Touchin, Co-Chair Bird Friendly Hamilton Burlington
[email protected]

For more information about  Regina’s Bird Friendly Certification please contact:
Cheryl Stadnichuk, Councillor Ward 1, City of Regina, Bird Friendly Regina Advisor Member
[email protected]

For more information about Lions Bay’s Bird Friendly Certification please contact:
Neville Abbot, Councillor, Lions Bay
[email protected]

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