Nature Canada

Press Release: Nature Canada representatives available for comment on throne speech goals


(Ottawa, Sept. 16, 2020)—Nature Canada representatives are available for comment on the importance of nature and a green recovery as the government finalizes the Sept. 23 Speech from the Throne.

Nature Canada executive director Graham Saul and policy director Gauri Sreenivasan emphasize the links among gaps in our economic, social, and natural infrastructure as Canadians cope with the pandemic and look forward to recovery plans.

“The COVID-19 crisis has heightened our appreciation of essential infrastructure and services, from health care, eldercare, childcare, and housing, and our many frontline workers,” said Saul, Nature Canada’s executive director.

“Our awareness of the importance of nature has also heightened: from greenspace, to forests, oceans, wetlands, wildlife, and the critical services they provide, including food, fresh water, clean air, pollination, and a frontline defense in the fight against disease and climate change.”

Nature Canada urges the government to recommit to the protection of nature and nature-based climate solutions as essential priorities for ensuring a healthy future for all. Investments in nature can benefit hard hit communities across Canada.

Investments can support farmers and rural communities restoring wetlands and rivers bordering their property. We can put people back to work replanting the scars left by unused logging roads and improving park infrastructure. Ranchers can restore endangered grasslands. We can support Indigenous-led conservation and invest in the health of fisheries and coastal communities by rebuilding and protecting marine ecosystems. Nature is an essential part of pursuing an inclusive and green recovery . 

Graham Saul is Executive Director of Nature Canada. He has worked on social and environmental justice issues for more than 25 years in Canada and abroad and is the former head of Climate Action Network Canada and Ecology Ottawa.

Gauri Sreenivasan is Director of Policy and Campaigns at Nature Canada. Her work for sustainability and justice spans more than 25 years, with previous roles on Parliament Hill and at the Canadian Council for International Cooperation, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Nature Canada has been a voice for nature for more than 80 years. We are a charitable organization advocating the conservation of land and the protection of waterways, and oceans to help stop the loss of species. We facilitate mobilization among more than 900 nature organizations and 100,000 nature-lovers while helping Canadians connect to nature. Learn more at

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To book interviews from Sept. 16-23 please contact:

Lara Falkiner

[email protected]

Mobile: 250-240-2804

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