Nature Canada

Nature groups from across Canada converge on Parliament to meet with Ottawa decision-makers

Environmental NGOs will meet with ministers and MPs from all parties to call for an action plan to halt and reverse nature loss.

Unceded Algonquin Territory – Ottawa, ON (March 7, 2023) – This year, Nature Canada’s annual Nature on the Hill event is connecting over 60 nature groups with Members of Parliament to push for cross-party support in tackling the biodiversity crisis.

Groups will be calling on decision-makers for a comprehensive action plan to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. Dozens of meetings, both virtual and in-person, are lined up. Participating MPs include the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Coast Guard.

“This is a critical moment for nature with more political will to act than we’ve ever seen,” says Emily McMillan, Executive Director at Nature Canada. “We’re looking forward to engaging in conversation with Ministers Guibeault and Murray, plus MPs from all parties, to ensure we can capitalize on this opportunity to halt and reverse nature loss. Our network of nature groups coming together to speak with one clear message is exactly what Nature on the Hill is all about.

This past December, delegates to “NatureCOP” (the U.N. Biodiversity Conference held in Montreal) signed the Kumming-Montreal agreement, which commits the signatory countries to halting and reversing nature loss by 2030 and protecting 30% of land and ocean within the same timeframe. Minister Guilbeault promised to deliver a Canadian action plan to meet these goals.

Nature Canada and its partners have mobilized thousands of Canadians to urge the federal government to follow through on its commitments.

The participating MPs include members from all parties and all regions of Canada. The meetings will take place on March 8 and 9, 2023. The nature groups taking part represent a wide range of interests, from watershed alliances to birders to friends of local parks.



For more information contact:
Scott Mullenix
[email protected]

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