Nature Canada

Nature Canada Awards Charles Labatiuk Scholarship to University of Calgary Master’s Student, Amanda Dickson


Unceded Algonquin Territory, Ottawa, ON – September 15, 2021

Nature Canada is pleased to announce that Amanda Dickson, a master’s student at the University of Calgary is the winner of this year’s Charles Labatiuk Scholarship. The scholarship is for $1,000 and is awarded every year to exemplary post-secondary students examining natural environmental systems. 

“I feel that this award helps to kindle hope for a better world as it brings students together from diverse backgrounds to build a future where humans, animals and ecosystems can thrive, and everyone can experience the beauty and peace of the natural world, ” says Dickson about receiving the Labatiuk scholarship. 

With an immense amount of experience within the environmental sector, Amanda is looking to explore the coexistence between humans and coyotes as part of her Master of Science in Geography. With a profound love of the environment, Amanda grew up around Canada’s very versatile nature. From befriending bugs and watching birds in her backyard to exploring the Canadian Rockies Amanda believes a connection with nature is vital for the thriving health of all ecosystems and humans.

“Human, animal and environmental wellbeing are critical pieces of the puzzle needed to solve some of today’s most challenging issues,” continued Dickson when asked why she is devoting her studies to examining natural environmental systems. 

Amanda hopes to continue her environmental journey by being open to new experiences and spending time exploring research opportunities and conservation work. She hopes to pursue her PhD some day while still conducting and sharing her research with future generations.

For more information contact: 
Scott Mullenix
[email protected]

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