Nature Canada

Nature Canada applauds Ontario Energy Board’s decision to undertake consultations on Energy East Pipeline

November 14, 2013 (Ottawa) – Nature Canada joined various conservations groups yesterday to welcome the Ontario government’s decision to undertake consultations with the public on the proposed Energy East Pipeline, which would carry oil from Alberta to Saint John, New Brunswick.

“While it’s still unclear how the Ontario Energy Board’s consultations will inform the province’s participation in the federal approval process, we certainly see this as a positive first step,” said Ian Davidson, Executive Director of Nature Canada. Davidson continued, “Nature Canada and many others in the nature conservation community warmly welcome Minister Chiarelli’s decision to ensure public input into the proposed Energy East Pipeline project.”

As a joint intervener in the Northern Gateway pipeline process, Nature Canada supports decisions at provincial and federal levels that open the door to public input on energy projects and acknowledges the importance of consultations with stakeholders on projects with the potential to affect wildlife and habitat and the communities they support.

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Nature Canada is the oldest nature conservation non-profit organization in Canada. It is also the largest grassroots nature conservation organization in the country with a network of hundreds of local affiliates and provincial affiliate organizations in every province.
In 2013, Nature Canada was named as one of Canada’s top environmental charities by Charity Intelligence.

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Paul Jorgenson, Senior Communications Manager, 613-562-3447 ext. 248, [email protected]

Monica Tanaka, Communications Coordinator, 613-562-3447 ext 241, [email protected]

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