Nature Canada

Clarification to media reports: Nature Canada not filing additional challenge to Northern Gateway

January 22, 2014 (Ottawa) – Over the past couple of days, numerous news sources have erroneously indicated that Nature Canada will be among the list of environmental organizations filing an appeal with the Federal Court of Appeals to block the approval of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline.

For many years, Nature Canada has been a key voice for nature challenging the Northern Gateway pipeline during the Joint Review Panel hearing process in British Columbia. Thanks to our excellent legal representation from the University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre, Nature Canada was highly engaged in the Joint Review Panel hearing process, which ended late last year. As joint intervenors, we raised a host of concerns with the project including its impact on endangered caribou populations and Enbridge’s disquieting minimization of a catastrophic oil spill in a globally important hotspot for marine biodiversity.

On December 19, Nature Canada and BC Nature expressed their profound disappointment at the decision of the Joint Review Panel to recommend the Northern Gateway pipeline project be allowed to proceed.

Nature Canada still believes strongly that the Joint Review Panel erred in their approval of the Northern Gateway Pipeline. However, due to financial constraints and the potential legal liability should the appeal not prove successful, Nature Canada has chosen instead to focus our finite resources on being a voice for nature in the TransMountain pipeline proposal.


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Nature Canada is the oldest national nature conservation charity in Canada. Over the past 75 years, we’ve helped protect over 63 million acres of parks and wildlife areas in Canada and the countless species that depend on this habitat. Today, we represent a network of over 45,000 members & supporters and more than 350 nature organizations in every province across Canada.
Our mission is to protect and conserve nature in Canada by engaging Canadians and by advocating on behalf of nature.

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Paul Jorgenson, Senior Communications Manager, Nature Canada
613-562-3447 ext. 248
[email protected]

Monica Tanaka, Communications Coordinator, Nature Canada
613-562-3447 ext 241
[email protected]


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