Nature Canada

Not Every Bug Is Harmful – 7 Most Common Household Bugs That Aren’t Harmful

The sight of insects in the house has most reaching for a swatter or bug spray. But did you know that there are quite a few insects, commonly found in or around our homes that aren’t harmful? In fact, they are actually good for the ecosystem, meaning that you and the environment can benefit from leaving them as they are! Before you reach for a fly swatter or bug spray – make sure you aren’t

The Honey Bee

Bees are an crucial aspect of ecosystems because they help with the pollination process of flowers and crops. On average a single bee can pollinate up to 100 flowers in one trip!

You don’t really have to worry about a honey bee unless you spot a beehive around your home. It is better to have the hive removed unless you plan on starting a bee farm.

The Ladybug

Ladybugs, are one of the most harmless insects you can come across. They may be a nuisance if they come inside your home but they do no harm. They do play a role in eating smaller pests such as mites, aphids, and fruit flies. So they actually do you a favor by ensuring there is no infestation of smaller pests in your home. Pests that can actually be harmful, more so than the ladybug.

© Lucie Gagnon


You rarely find harmful spiders such as the black widow or brown recluses in homes. Those are obviously spiders you need to be careful because of their venom. The common house spider, wolf, and the long-bodied cellar spiders are not harmful. Like the ladybug, these spiders also help get rid of household pests and smaller insects around your home. So these can actually prove to be quite useful to keep around.

The Praying Mantis

If you have a garden, then you are probably well aware of the wonders of the praying mantis. The insect can help keep your garden clean of all types of pests. This ensures that the insect population is controlled and your plants remain intact. Of course, we recommend you make sure that the mantis stays outside and doesn’t come in. But that doesn’t occur very often as the mantis prefers the outdoors.

The Solider Beetle

The soldier beetle isn’t the most appealing insect, it kind of resembles a cockroach. However, they are beneficial for the ecosystem of your house garden. The beetle feeds on aphids, which can be dangerous for the health of your garden. They also help with pollinating flowers, helping your garden grow.

The Centipede

While the centipede is one of those creepy crawlers that we hate encountering, they aren’t harmful to humans. They usually have anywhere from 15 to 177 pairs of legs, which give it that repulsive look. While it contains venom, the centipede doesn’t have the capability to prick through the human skin, so it isn’t harmful. It does keep other insects in check and ensures that pests don’t easily infest your home.

The Yellow Jacket Wasp

The yellow jacket wasp looks a lot like your honey bee, but they are bigger in size. Like the honey bee, they are also great for flower pollination. Besides this, they also prey on numerous pests you find around your home like grubs and caterpillar. These wasps do sting harder than the bee but you normally have nothing to worry about with them.

Insects aren’t all harmful, make sure you know the insect you encounter before you exterminate it. If they fall in this list, it is probably better if you learn to live with them. They will prove to be more beneficial than harmful for you and your home.

About the Author

Luqman Butter has been a pest control technician for over 20 years. He is passionate about solving people’s pest and wildlife control problems through innovative, eco-friendly and humane methods.

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