Nature Canada

Nature Now Fund Story: Protecting Nature From Government Inaction

Nature Now Leader, Alison Hackney, shares how she is taking action, holding leaders to account and making all our voices louder.

Our boreal forest captures my imagination. It’s so vast, it covers so much of Canada, it’s such an important ecosystem, and it’s home to iconic wildlife like caribou, wolves, and, of course, one of my life’s passions: birds. I believe saving the boreal forest is also a key to saving ourselves from burning.

I’ve always been enchanted by birds, they are a source of endless fascination. I love the miracle of flight, the complexities of their life histories, the intricacies of their feathers and the marvel of their migration. And it’s a wonderful treat to see so many colourful warblers, kinglets and vireos, as they rush through my little part of the world to and from the majestic boreal forest. Protecting their boreal habitat is doing something for the birds I love, the forest that I love, but also because saving the intact forest we have left is absolutely critical for the health of the whole planet. Protecting our boreal is a concrete and realistic goal.

I am angered and dismayed when government officials stand by and allow the ‘extractivist’ agenda of industry expansion like logging and mining to destroy the precious boreal forest on which our survival depends. I’m mad and frustrated when I don’t feel I have a voice. We march, we protest, but industry bulldozes on.

Giving to the Nature Now Fund is a way to take action. I want to hold our leaders to account by standing together and making our voices louder. For me, it’s gratifying to help nature and it’s one of the most important things I can do. When Nature Canada asked me to help, I was happy to. I hope others will do the same. The time is now. It’s now or never!
— Alison Hackney, M.Sc. – Nature Now Leader

We are grateful to Alison for her generosity — and for sharing her story of why she supports the Nature Now Fund (gifts of $1,000 or more targeted to the most critical projects). Together, we are directing urgently-needed funds to protect our forests, lands, and waters and ensure nature restoration projects across Canada.  That means we need to act now! If you make a special donation before July 1, your gift will be matched. You can contact me to learn more.

Jodi Joy
Director of Development
1-800-267-4088 or 613-562-3447 ext. 239

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