Nature Canada

Lois’ Story

“Knowing my gift was matched felt like the right way to honour Bill and our shared love of nature.”

In 1973, I spent time travelling and working in Australia and New Zealand, and I remember sitting under a gumtree and hearing a Kookaburra laugh—just like in the old Girl Guides song! It was my first time being enchanted by birds. When I returned home to Calgary, I signed up to learn more at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on June 15, 1975. The instructor was a teacher and naturalist, and he was so passionate about birding. We were out birding and there was a flitter in the woods and a flap of wings, and he said “there goes a starling, eventually you’ll be able to tell just by the shape when they fly”. I couldn’t even imagine! I approached him after class, and we got to talking. Every day after that, he was my birding companion, my husband and the love of my life.

Bill and I had so many adventures birding and experiencing wildlife here in Canada and around the world. I remember watching Puffins courting in Nova Scotia, Gannets in Newfoundland. We did a remarkable trip in Antarctica where we saw humpback whales bubble feeding: 3 majestic and enormous whales coming up from the depths of the ocean, slowly, slowly, slowly to the surface letting out air and then start to circle, circle, circle and it scares the krill into a small space where the whales open their garage-door-sized mouths and just gobble and grab giant mouthfuls of krill. One of the thrills of our lives!

When I saw the mention of a matching gift, I knew it was the right time for me to give a larger gift. Knowing that it was matched, doubling the impact, really felt like the right way to honour Bill and our shared love of nature. Bill died in 2021, but supporting nature is something we will both do forever. Nature Canada is also in our Will, so that we can promise to continue to support urgent projects for birds, oceans and all life on earth.

I love connecting with donors, hearing your stories, and helping you make the most of your generosity and philanthropy is truly my honour. You are always invited to contact me for a confidential conversation about your membership at work for nature or about other ways to support nature in Canada. I’m here to help!

Jodi Joy, Legacy Support,
Proud Whittemore Circle Legacy Donor
1-800-267-4088 or 613-562-3447 ext. 239
[email protected]

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
