Nature Canada

Eye in the Sky: Remembering Don, Who Remembered Nature in His Will.

I’m always inspired to learn about our members and their connection of love of nature. I read about our member, the late Don Collison’s accolades first as an NGO lawyer, then as a health food store owner and finally as a government immigration lawyer, chosen to sit on the Immigration and Review Board of Canada. Knowing he made a significant legacy gift towards protecting birds and habitat in his Will, I reached out to his friends to learn more about his values and motivations. Here is what I heard:

Don C., Devoted to Nature.
Don C., Devoted to Nature.

Don was devoted to nearby nature, especially the wild lands around his cottage on Wolfe Lake in Ontario. Friends particularly remember Don canoeing one day at a nearby point on the Lake and spotting a bald eagle’s nest. Discovering that particular land was slotted to be developed into a subdivision, this motivated him to rally concerned community members to get it protected and designated for conservation. This was the start of his conservation efforts and work as founding President, of the currently thriving, Wolfe Lake Cottagers Association.

I asked friends if he had a favourite saying or philosophy about nature? They said likely he believed it was best to just leave nature alone, to sit back and observe the beauty around us. Don was never bored with nature—just immersed in it. He was a steward of the land, wanting to ensure nearby wilderness was untouched. He also supported local artisans by purchasing and surrounding himself with beautiful bird-inspired art pieces.

Don was so observant and deeply aware of the natural world. In retirement, he spent hours reading about and watching birds with his binoculars and was devoted to feeding local birds. Don would often share his knowledge about natural history with friends. Such as the pesticide threats to beloved Purple Martins, the power of glaciers years ago to shape beaches, or even his amazement about the eyesight of the Osprey to be able to see a fish from high in the sky to swoop down and catch it.  A true nature lover indeed.

In a way, he is our “eye in the sky” too – although missed dearly by his friends, we can all be inspired and heartened by his kind and generous legacy gift to protect birds at risk which will help ensure future generations can discover and cherish nature as he did.

The impact of gifts in Wills is truly remarkable. Nature Canada is able to fund urgent conservation work today, thanks to caring donors like you. Together, we can ensure nature remains forever. Feel free to contact me at 1 (800) 267-4088, ext. 239, [email protected] for a confidential conversation, Thank you!

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