Nature Canada

A Natural Legacy

Judith Carder makes a lasting difference with a gift in her Will, in honour of her late father.

My dad is my nature inspiration. He lived to almost 105 and in his retirement became an international big tree expert. He witnessed the beginnings of the logging industry—trees so big that one of the stumps was used as a dance floor. We share a love for the ancient forests, especially original growth Douglas-fir—his favourite tree. I know he’d be concerned about the state of our forests right now, and he’d also be savouring every moment spent among the trees.

If he were here today, he would also be supporting me in my volunteering with Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration work. This is the most threatened ecosystem in Canada, and it only occurs on the southern tip of Vancouver Island! Garry oak is BC’s only native oak tree and feel it is ‘the tree of the future’ because it is incredibly adaptable and resilient to the impacts of climate change. Right now, we are growing seedlings from acorns and planting as many new trees as possible. 

Judith Carder with her late father, Dr. A.C. Carder.
Judith Carder with her late father, Dr. A.C. Carder.

Growing up, I knew my parents were proud supporters of Nature Canada. Your publications were wonderful educational tools for me as a young person and inspired my studies and career in biology and ecological restoration, and today the website and newsletter help keep me updated and connected with other passionate nature lovers and fellow activists. 

I’m proud to support Nature Canada today, and I love reading stories about projects and campaigns across Canada. It makes me feel connected to others and our planet. As many members know, our local restoration projects are undertaken with passion and dedication for an urgent need to work with nature right now, right where we are. Giving to Nature Canada in my Will means that this vital work will continue, no matter where the most urgent restoration and protection projects are taking place. Like seeds of hope for the future!

Over the years, I’ve always been impressed with how effective, knowledgeable and adaptable Nature Canada is, in terms of impact of our donations. That’s why I support Nature Canada now, and in the future. It’s nice to know that I can be helpful still giving, even when I’m gone, in my own way. Your Will is a great way to give back. I can’t think of a better use of your financial legacy than to further good things in the world.

Thanks to Judith for sharing her story—and continued generosity! I love talking to members like Judith—and you—about your own nature stories and projects, and what matters to you most about your support of Nature Canada. You are encouraged to contact me anytime for a confidential conversation about your positive impact and how you want to ensure Nature remains Forever.

Jodi Joy, 1-800-267-4088 ext 239, [email protected] 

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
