Nature Canada

Recipients of 2013 Nature Canada Awards announced

OTTAWA (October 23, 2013) Nature Canada is pleased to announce the recipients of the Nature Canada Volunteer Award, Affiliate Award and Charles Labatiuk Volunteer Award for 2013. These awards honour individuals or groups for making significant contributions to the preservation and protection of Canada’s wildlife and wild spaces.

“Nature is a huge part of our culture, our economy, and our national identity as Canadians. These awards celebrate some of the amazing Canadians who, in some cases, have literally devoted their lives to protecting nature in this country,” said Ian Davidson, Nature Canada’s Executive Director, “I am truly inspired by this year’s award winners. Their passion for preserving Canada’s natural treasures has raised the bar for all of us.”

This year, Nature Canada is recognizing Carlos Barbery for his commitment to bird conservation. Carlos is the recipient of the Charles Labatiuk Volunteer Award, given in commemoration of the life and legacy of Charles William Labatiuk and his contagious passion for nature. Carlos is an incredibly competent, well-regarded young naturalist and has been a birder since a young age. He has guest blogged for Nature Canada and most recently won significant recognition as one of two youth presenters at the 2013 BirdLife International World Congress in Ottawa.

For their tremendous support for the NatureHood program in Ottawa-Gatineau, Nature Canada is honouring the Ottawa Field-Naturalists Club with the Nature Canada affiliate award. From helping with various educational events in the Lac Deschênes-Ottawa River Important Bird Area to taking up an active role in the conservation planning of the region’s IBA, the Ottawa Field-Naturalists Club is supporting a conservation initiative that helps protect and preserve one of Ottawa-Gatineau’s most vulnerable natural treasures.

The efforts of volunteers do much to increase the ability of Nature Canada to effectively expand its conservation work. In recognition of his efforts to provide an outstanding time and work contribution to Nature Canada’s role as a joint intervenor with BC Nature on the Northern Gateway Pipeline review process, Chris Tollefson is the recipient of the Nature Canada Volunteer Award. Thanks to the hard work, ingenuity and perseverance of Chris Tollefson and his legal team at the University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre, Nature Canada has been very effective as an intervenor throughout the entire review process.

“Like this year’s award winners, Nature Canada is devoted to the cause of protecting wildlife and habitats in Canada, and engaging people to help build a Nature Nation – a place where threatened species are protected, habitat is conserved, and people embrace a culture of conservation in their everyday lives,” said Davidson. “These conservation heroes are examples to us all.”

[separator headline=”h2″ title=”For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact:”]

Paul Jorgenson, Senior Communications Manager, 613-562-3447 ext. 248,[email protected]

Monica Tanaka, Communications Coordinator, 613-562-3447 ext 241,[email protected]

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