Nature Canada

Nature Canada Submits Comments on Proposed Species At Risk Action Plan for Piping Plover

Nature Canada Submits Comments on Proposed Species At Risck Action Plan for Piping Plover
July 8, 2011 (Ottawa) – Nature Canada submitted comments on the proposed Species at Risk Act (SARA) Action Plan for the Ontario population of Piping Plover to the Canadian Wildlife Service at Environment Canada.

This distinct population of Piping Plover is threatened with extinction due to loss of habitat. Nature Canada submitted the following comments aimed at strengthening the proposed Action Plan:

The following statements should be amended in the final version of the AP to include a commitment by Environment Canada to allocate resources to ensure this plan is adequately implemented:

“Environment Canada will endeavour to support implementation of this plan, subject to availability of resources and varying species at risk conservation priorities.” (Proposed AP at p. 11)

“Identification of government agencies and non-governmental organizations is intended to be advice and does not commit the agency or organization to implementing the listed action, which will be contingent upon each Action Plan for the Piping Plover in Ontario organization’s or agency’s priorities and budgetary constraints.” (Proposed AP at p. 12)

With respect to Table 2 – Measures to be taken and Implementation Schedule, our comments are:

1. We suggest adding a research activity as follows: 2.3 Support masters-level research into non-breeding threats to PIPL, particularly related to the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, including but not limited to toxicological analysis of egg shells (spent) and feathers; and related to
determination of wintering range.
2. Organizations within the Canadian Nature Network can contribute to the
implementation of action 3.2.
3. The Canadian IBA Program (run by Nature Canada and Bird Studies Canada) can contribute to the implementation of action 4.4, as well as facilitate links with the IBA Program in the United States (Audubon).

Regarding Section 3 on Socio-Economic Evaluation, we have the following comments:

1. We believe that the suggested promotion of wildlife viewing at a remote site like Windy’s Point is inappropriate and would cause more pressure on the species (3.2.1). This section should also note that water management should not be at the expense of an endangered species or the biodiversity values described in the opening paragraph of section 3.2.
2. Reconnecting people and children with nature should be added as benefit of action for the Canadian Great Lakes Population, in section 3.2.2, second paragraph. Also in that section, measures to prevent wildlife viewing from becoming a threat should be considered and implemented.

Letter to Environment Canada: Nature Canada’s comments on Action Plan for the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus circumcinctus) in Ontario
For more information, please contact:

Chris Sutton
Director, Communications
[email protected]


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