Nature Canada

Announcing the winners of Canada’s Coolest School Trip contest

OTTAWA (April 3, 2014) – Nature Canada is proud to announce the winners of this year’s Canada’s Coolest School Trip contest. For their fantastic (and catchy!) video, the grand-prize goes to the talented students from École Antoine-Roy in Gaspé, Quebec. Not only did they produce an amazing video about Forillon National Park and a series of ‘making of’ videos‘, they also succeeded in engaging their entire community in the contest. They garnered the support of a car dealership, a radio station and many other groups in their community.

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“This is really a fantastic story. How often do you see kids get this engaged in Canada’s history and natural spaces,” asked Nature Canada’s Paul Jorgenson. “The winning class didn’t just produce an interesting and educational video, they got their whole community involved in the whole contest. We were absolutely amazed when we saw how much support the kids from École Antoine-Roy were able to build in their community,” Jorgenson continued.

[two_third]The lucky grand-prize winners will travel to British Columbia where they will kayak the emerald waters Gulf Islands National Park Reserve and go on amazing beach adventures to observe the wildlife that make this beautiful place their home. Students will also live the life of a World War I or II soldier at Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site, connect with the traditions of local First Nations, tour Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site after-dark and sleep under the stars in Parks Canada’s new oTENTik camping experience. The grand prize includes meals, accommodation and return airfare to and from Victoria for their entire class and their chaperones.[/two_third] [one_third_last][map w=”198″ h=”202″ style=”standard” z=”9″ marker=”yes” infowindow=”Forillon National Park” infowindowdefault=”yes” maptype=”TERRAIN” hidecontrols=”true” address=”Forillon National Park, Quebec”][/one_third_last]

For their admirable submissions, the Grade 8 classes from Toronto Waldorf School, Montague Intermediate and Northside Christian School are the winners of the runners up prizes. The runners up win local field trips and gift packages. Honourable mentions go out to the Grade 8 and secondaire 2 classes from Pavillon la Citadelle, Cedarview Middle School, École Carrefour de l’Acadie, Glashan Public School and Father Mercredi Community School.

To enter the contest, grade 8 classes were asked to pick a Parks Canada place and make a video on why it’s important to Canadians. The theme of the video is: “Canada’s Coolest Stories: where nature and history meet”.

This contest is made possible by the partnership of Nature Canada, Parks Canada, Canadian Geographic Education, Canadian Wildlife Federation and Historica Canada with the support of Air Canada.


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Nature Canada is the oldest national nature conservation charity in Canada. Over the past 75 years, we’ve helped protect over 63 million acres of parks and wildlife areas in Canada and the countless species that depend on this habitat. Today, we represent a network of over 45,000 members & supporters and more than 350 nature organizations in every province across Canada.

Our mission is to protect and conserve nature in Canada by engaging Canadians and by advocating on behalf of nature.

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Paul Jorgenson,
Senior Communications Manager,
Nature Canada
613-562-3447 ext. 248
[email protected]

Monica Tanaka,
Communications Coordinator,
Nature Canada
613-562-3447 ext 241
[email protected]



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