Nature Canada

All hail summer!

For most of the year, we spend our time outside bundled in layers, and layers (and layers) of cold-resistant clothing. It takes us 10 minutes just to get ready to leave the house, and for the rest of the day we have mittens, and hats (and scarves, and sweaters, and boots) to keep track of. There’s a lack of sunshine, a constant chill, and a lot of snow to shovel from the driveway.

Thankfully, we’ve finally arrived in June! The weather starts to warm up, the sun starts to peak out from behind the clouds, and pools start to open. Summer is here, and we’ve all got exciting plans for the upcoming months! From camping, to water balloon fights, to nature walks, to soccer tournaments, summer offers us so many possibilities to get up, get active, and get outside.

In Canada, we have the opportunity to experience quite a wide variety of weather. With this, we are able to enjoy very different environments depending on the season. Each and every day, the natural world will offer us something different. You never really know what you will find when you’re out in nature, but I suggest you bring along your camera just in case!

When you get home from your adventure, send in your photos to us! We’re hosting a nature photo contest during the next few months. We would love to enjoy some time in nature with you, but unfortunately there’s only room for 4 in your tent. Instead, you can capture your experiences in nature and share them with the entire Nature Canada community. There are a variety of categories to enter, including Nearby Nature, Wild Nature, your Favorite Place in Canada, etc. From June 1st to August 31st, you can submit your pictures to our contest for a chance to win some pretty great prizes. We have passes to various outdoor activities, books, gift cards, and the list goes on.

Guess who has agreed to be on the panel of judges? Les Stroud! Yes, that’s right! Survivorman himself will offer his personal opinion on the top photos, and yours could be among them! Check out all the details at .

So go spend some time in nature! It’s everywhere! And if you win one of our many prizes, you might just have another adventure to experience.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-800-267-4088 x 229 or at [email protected] .

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
