Nature Canada

Send Your Message of Hope

Special Delivery to NatureCOP (COP16) in Colombia!

The U.N. NatureCOP meeting in Cali, Colombia is a chance to stop biodiversity collapse. To tell world leaders how important this opportunity is to Canadians, Nature Canada is collecting messages of hope from nature-lovers to share with the world. Make YOUR VOICE heard →


Send Your Message

From October 21 to November 1, 2024 these messages will be displayed at the crucial moments during the negotiations, providing a vital reminder of what’s at stake.

Submit yours now!

Some examples for inspiration:

“I hope for a world where access to a healthy environment is the norm no matter where you live.”

“My message of hope is for a world where all life is precious and valued for generations to come.”

“I hope for a sustainable world where nature can thrive alongside everything our society needs to function.”

Want to Help?

Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
