Nature Canada

Welcome to Your NatureHood

Tired of watching your little ones swiping on the family iPad? Why not head outdoors instead for Nature 101? Whether you’re a parent, guardian, teacher, or educator, subscribe now for science-based resources and increase outdoor time with your kids!

Class is in session. Time to head outside!

Nature Canada’s NatureHood program…

Puts your kid in touch with nature
close to home.

Breaks down the barriers they face in connecting to nature.

Helps them learn about, appreciate,
and defend nature.

Hero Image

What is NatureHood?

NatureHood connects kids, families, newcomers, and marginalized communities to nearby nature.

Your NatureHood is any green space in your neighbourhood—from the biggest cities to the smallest towns. It’s nearby nature, whether it be the park at the end of your street, your backyard, a community garden plot, an overlooked urban forest, or a special green space in your community.

Your NatureHood is any place you go to ‘connect’ with the earth’s natural wonders—from watching a bee pollinate a flower, to feeding wild birds, to witnessing the trees change with the passing of the seasons.

Nature is waiting right outside your door.

The NatureHood program works with partner organizations across the country to address barriers to nature through programs, events, and activities built on exploration, celebration, education, stewardship, and nature observation.

Nature’s wonders are waiting, peeking through the sidewalk cracks. Get started!

Want to Help?

Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
