Nature Canada

Protected Places Declaration

We have a generational opportunity to protect the biologically diverse areas that we have grown up loving. Canada has adopted a target to conserve at least 17% of terrestrial and inland water areas and 10% of coastal areas by 2020.

Canada’s Environment Minister is spearheading implementation of this target along with her provincial counterparts. But they need to know there is a large constituency behind them.

A declaration has been created to support these targets being met. Many organizations have signed already, but we need more to demonstrate broad support.

Please consider adding your organization to those below by emailing us at [email protected]. Or if you are in Ontario, you could sign online.

Here is a list of current signatories:

A2A – Algonquin to Adirondacks Conservation Association
Abbotsford Mission Nature Club
Active Kids Club
Against Port Expansion in the Fraser Estuary
Alberta Wilderness Association
ALIVE Outdoors
Alternatives Journal
Appalachian Corridor Appalachien
Arrowsmith Naturalists
Association forestière des deux rives
Association pour la protection du lac Taureau
Aventure Écotourisme Québec
Avon Trail
Aware Simcoe
Bancroft Field Naturalist Club
Bathurst Sustainable Development
Battle River Watershed Alliance
BC Nature
Beaver River Naturalist Society
Big Lake Environmental Support Society
Bird Studies Canada
Birds and Beans
Blazing Star Environmental
Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Foundation
Boisé des Douzes
Boost Creative
Boundary Bay Conservation Committee
Boundary Bay Park Association
Brereton Field Naturalists’ Club
Burke Mountain Naturalists
Burns Bog Conservation Society
Burrowing Owl Society
Calgary Bird Banding Society
Calgary Horticultural Society
Camp Hurontario
Camp Wenonah
Canadian Biosphere Reserves Association
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – Northern Alberta
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
Canot Kayak Québec
Carden Field Naturalists
Carolinian Canada Coalition
Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition Society
Catholic Network for Women’s Equality
Central Athabasca Stewardship Society
Centre de la nature du Mont Saint-Hilaire
Centre d’intendance écologique Latreille (CIEL)
Chilliwack Field Naturalists
Citizens Environmental Alliance
Clean North
Club des ornitologues de la Gaspésie
Comité de citoyens et citoyennes pour la protection de l’environnement maskoutain (CCCPEM)
Comité ZIP du lac Saint-Pierre
Comox Valley Nature
Conseil Régional de l’environnement Chaudière-Appalaches
Conseil régional de l’environnement de Laval
Conseil Régional de l’Environnement de l’Estrie
Conseil régional de l’environnement du Bas-Saint-Laurent
Conservation Ontario
Cooperative Entreprise Council of NB
Corner Brook Stream Development Corp
Couchiching Conservancy
Cowichan Nature Estuary Society
Cowichan Valley Naturalists’ Society
Crooked Creek Conservancy Society of Athabasca
David Suzuki Foundation
Dawson College Sustainability Office
Delta Naturalists Society
Destined to Fly
Durham Region Field Naturalists
Earth Rangers
Earth Values Institute
Eastern Ontario First Nation Working Group
Eco Action Society
EcoFriendly Sask
Ecology North
Ecology Ottawa
EcoParent Magazine
Eden Mills Millpond Conservation Association Ltd.
Edmonton and Area Land Trust
Edmonton Nature Club
Environment North
Environmental Defence
EOS Eco-Energy Inc.
Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy
Farabout Peninsula Coalition
Fiducie foncière du Mont Pinacle
Firefly Books
Flying Squirrel Adventures
Fondation SÉTHY
Fort Qu’Appelle Nature Society
Fort Saskatchewan Naturalist Society
FortWhyte Alive
Fraser Voices
Friends of Ecological Reserves
Friends of Mount Carleton Provincial Park
Friends of Nature Conservation Society
Friends of Nose Hill Society
Friends of Sauble Beach
Friends of Second Marsh
Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society
Friends of Shoal Harbour Society (FOSH)
Friends of the Earth Canada
Friends of the Harte Trail
Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society
Friends of the Living Prairie Museum
Friends of the Pugwash Estuary
Friends of the Rouge Watershed
Friends of the Salmon River
Gamiing Nature Center
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association
Gary Oak Meadow Preservation Society
Georgia Strait Alliance
Gimli Environmental Advisory Committee (GEAC)
Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve Society
Great Lakes Waterfront Trail
Green Action Centre
Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition
Green Teams of Canada
Green Up TO
Guelph Outdoor School
Halton Environmental Network
Halton/North Peel Field Naturalists
Hamilton Naturalists’ Club
Hastings Prince Edward Land Trust
Hastings Stewardship Council
Héritage Saint-Bernard
High Park Nature
Hike Ontario
Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge
Hope Mountain Center for Outdoor Learning
Humber Natural History Society
Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group
Huron Fringe Field Naturalists
Info-Nature Mauricie
Institut québécois de la biodiversité (IQBIO)
Intervale & Associates
Island Nature Trust
Jasper Environmental Association
JJ Collett Natural Area Foundation
Junction Creek Stewardship Committee
Kamloops Naturalists’ Club
Keepers of the Athabaska Watershed Society
Kelligrews Ecological Enhancement Program
Kelsey Ecological Society
Kimiwan Lake Wildlife & Preservation Society
Kingston Field Naturalists
Kitimat Valley Naturalists
L.I.D. Permeable Paving
Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy
Lambton Shores Nature Trails
Land Conservancy for Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington
Land Over Landings
Land Trust Alliance of BC
Langley Field Naturalists
L’Association pour la protection du boisé Sainte-Dorothée
Le Nichoir
Learning for a Sustainable Future
Lennox and Addington Stewardship Council
Les amiEs de la Terre de Québec
Les Amis du parc Meadowbrook
Les Cercles des jeunes naturalistes
Les Sentiers de l’Estrie
Les Verts boisés du fjord
Lethbridge Naturalists Society
Lilooet Naturalist Society
Limerick Area Conservation Coalition
Little Campbell Watershed Society
Little River Enhancement Group
Living Sky Wildlife Rehabiliation
Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF)
Long Point Basin Land Trust
Lot 11 & Area Watershed Management Group
Lower Grand River Land Trust Inc.
Mackenzie Nature Observatory
Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust
Maitland Trails Association
Manitoulin Nature Club
McKellar Island Bird Observatory (a project of Save Our Songbirds)
Meadow Lake ‘Woodlanders’ Junior Forest Wardens
Meadowlark Nature Festival
Meduxnekeag River Association Inc
Midland-Penetang Field Naturalists
Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust
Mixedwood Forest Society
Morell River Management Coop
Moose Jaw Nature Society
Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc.
Nature Alberta
Nature Barrie
Nature Calgary
Nature Canada
Nature Guelph
Nature League – Collingwood
Nature London
Nature Nanaimo
Nature NB
Nature Newfoundland & Labrador
Nature Nova Scotia
Nature Prince Albert
Nature Regina
Nature Saskatchewan
Nature Trust of New Brunswick
NatureKids BC
Nature’s Calling Environmental Education
Niagara Falls Nature Club
Nicola Naturalist Society
Nipissing University Biology Society
North American Native Plant Society
North Durham Nature Club
North Gwillimbury Forest Alliance
North Saskatchewan Riverkeeper
Northeast Avalon Atlantic Coastal Action Program
Northern Amphibians Naturalists Society
Northumberland Land Trust
Nova Scotia Bird Society
Oakvillegreen Conservation Association
Ocean Park Beautification Committee
Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance
Oliver-Osoyoos Naturalists
Ontario Biodiversity Council
Ontario EcoSchools
Ontario Farmland Trust
Ontario Headwaters Institute
Ontario Invasive Plant Council
Ontario Land Trust Alliance
Ontario Master Naturalist Program – Lakehead
Ontario Nature
Ontario Parks Association
Ontario Rivers Alliance
Ontario Wildlife Rescue
Operation Migration
Orillia Naturalists’ Club
Osoyoos Desert Society
Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club
Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre
Otter Valley Naturalists
Owen Sound Field Naturalists
Park People
Pembroke Area Field Naturalists
Pender Harbour Wildlife Society
Peninsula Field Naturalists Club
Penokean Hills Field Naturalists
Pickering Naturalists
Plenty Canada
Point to Point PEC Foundation
Prince Edward County Field Naturalists
Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory
Quetico Foundation
Quinte Field Naturalists
Rainbow Routes
rare Charitable research reserve
Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve
Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec (ROBVQ)
Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l’environnement du Québec
Réseau de milieux naturels protégés
Reuter Valley Land Trust
Richmond Hill Naturalists
Rideau Environmental Action League
Royal Botanical Gardens
Ruiter Valley Land Trust
Saint John Citizens’ Coalition for Clean Air
Saint John Naturalists’ Club
Salmon Arm Nature Enhancement Society
Salt Spring Trail and Nature Club
Sargeant Bay Society
Saskatchewan Environmental Society
Saskatoon Nature Society
Saskatoon Young Naturalists
Saskatoon Zoo Society
Saugeen Nature
Sault Naturalists
Sauvons la falaise
Save Our Seine River Environment
Scugog Environemntal Advisory Committee
Shuswap Naturalist Club
Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions
Société de biologie de Montréal
Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society
South Coast Bat Conservation Society
South Lake Simcoe Naturalists’ Club
South Okanagan Naturalists’ Club
South Peel Field Naturalists
South Shore Joint Initiative
South Shore Watershed Initiative
Southern Alberta Group for Environment (SAGE)
Southwest Naturalists
Squamish Environment Society
St. Thomas Field Naturalists
Stanley Park Ecology Society
Stewards of Alberta’s Protected Area Association
Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group
Sudbury Naturalists
Sustainability Network
Sustainable Environment Network Society (SENS)
Swim Drink Fish
Sydenham Field Naturalists
Thames Talbot Land Trust
The Birdhouse Nature Store
The Council of Canadians
The Friends of Elk Island Society
The Huron Fringe Field Naturalists
The Kensington Conservancy
The Land Between
The PINE project
Thickson’s Woods Land Trust
Thorne’s Insect Shoppe
Thunder Bay Field Naturalists
Thunder Bay Hiking Association
TLC The Land Conservancy of BC
Toronto Environmental Alliance
Toronto Field Naturalists
TRACKS Youth Program
Tusket River Environmental Protection Association (TREPA)
Twin Lakes Conservation Club
University of Guelph Wildlife Club
Univert Laval
Vancouver Avian Research Center
Vankleek Hill and District Nature Society
Waterloo Region Nature
We Animals
Weaslehead Glenmore Park Preservation Society
Wellington Water Watchers
West Elgin Nature Club
West Elgin Nature Trust
West Kootenay EcoSociety
Whales Release and Strandings Program
White Rock and Surrey Naturalists Society
Wilderness Adventurers of Ontario
Wildflower Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Willow Beach Field Naturalists
Woodland Environmental Consulting
Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
York Simcoe Nature Club
Yukon Conservation Society

Want to Help?

Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
