Nature Canada

How to protect 17% of land and inland waters by 2020

Image of Stephen Hazell

Stephen Hazell
Director of Conservation
and General Counsel

Nature Canada is teaming up with provincial nature groups and Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society to urge Canadian governments to ramp up the establishment of protected areas to meet Canada’s international obligation to protect at least 17% of our land and inland waters by 2020.

Now is an opportune time to expand significantly Canada’s protected areas to save critical spaces for threatened wildlife. Let’s mark the occasion of Canada’s 150th birthday by giving a legacy gift to future and current generations of Canadians by achieving the so-called Aichi Targets to protect biodiversity and nature.

The Canadian Nature Network came together this past month to identify and map out specific land and inland waters that could kick-start momentum going forward.  Here are some key priorities areas to protect:


A) Creston Valley National Wildlife Area

  • Home to provincially-significant populations of Grizzly Bear and species at risk such as Western Screech Owl, Common Nighthawk, Barn and Bank Swallow.

B) One-Four Research Farm

  • 17,000 hectares of dry mixed-grass prairie in southern Alberta, 70% of which is native grassland that is critical breeding habitat for grassland songbirds, and home to at least 23 species at risk.

C) North French Watershed in the Moose Cree First Nation homelands

Image of a Woodland Caribou

Photo of a Woodland Caribou

  • Over 6,660 square kilometres of intact boreal forest, including the pristine waters of the North French and its tributaries and home to significant populations of species at risk including Woodland Caribou, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Canada Warbler, and Sturgeon.

D) Baie de l’Isle-Verte and Cacouna Marsh National Wildlife Areas

  • Critical habitat for Beluga whale and provides passage to threatened species such as American Eel and Atlantic Sturgeon.

E) Brier Island National Marine Conservation Area in Nova Scotia

  • Home to North Atlantic Right Whale, Fin Whale, endangered Eastern Mountain Avens flower, and Peregrine Falcon.

F) Thelon National Wildlife Area

  • 52,000 km2 of land in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut and home to Arctic Wolf, Muskox, Arctic Wolverine, Barren-Ground Caribou and Grizzly Bear.

Our collective view is that Canada will only achieve its 17% international target for protected areas if Canadians demand it, loudly and firmly.

So in honour of Canada’s 150th anniversary, please share this BIRTHDAY WISH for more nature!

Help us do so by writing a letter to your local editor, or consider writing or calling your MP or provincial government representative about protecting and saving our critical wilderness areas and the wildlife that depends on these spaces. And please donate today to help fund our efforts to conserve and protect wildlife and nature.

Nature is fundamental to who we are as Canadians. It provides us with the clean air, fresh water and food we need to survive, and the inspirational natural beauty to nurture our soul.

Stand with us in supporting Nature Canada’s protected areas campaign, and give a gift that will be a legacy for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
