Nature Canada

Did you forget about Earth Day?

Don’t despair if you missed last week’s celebration of the planet. You can choose to make a difference any day of the year. An easy way to green your lifestyle is to go back to basics: follow the three Rs – with an extra C.

It may seem elementary, but remembering to reduce, reuse and recycle is one of the best ways we can help the planet. It’s also important to follow them in order:

Reduce – Before you purchase something new, ask yourself if you really need it. Is there another option that would have a lesser impact on the environment? Buy things in bulk when you can to cut down on waste from packaging.

Reuse – Once you’re done with an item, think about whether or not it has any other uses. Empty yogurt containers can be used to start seeds and plastic bags have many potential uses. If you can’t use it, find out if there’s someone who can; for example, books can be donated to the local library or a community sale.

Recycle – When a product is finally coming to the end of its lifecycle, look into whether or not it can be recycled. Most municipalities collect paper, cardboard, cans and glass; check to see which plastics are collected locally (the plastic number is usually on the bottom of the container). Don’t forget about items like printer cartridges and paint – there are often special drop-offs for these materials where they can be collected and refurbished or repurposed.

Compost – Although it isn’t traditional to include composting with the three Rs, it’s an important step in diverting more waste from the landfill. If your community collects kitchen and yard waste, make sure to fill the bin and put it out for pickup. You can also start your own compost at home, either using a vermicomposter (composting with worms!) or a traditional yard bin. Composting allows you to reclaim some nutrients to make a rich soil for your garden and keeps waste that can easily decompose out of the landfill.

What do you do to make Earth Day every day? Let us know in the comments below.

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