Nature Canada

What it’s like to shop at terra20

I’ve been working on promoting the Saving for Change partnership between terra20 and Nature Canada for a few weeks now. I finally had a free hour in my day and thought, this is the perfect opportunity to drop in to the store for a visit! In case you haven’t already heard,

Nature Canada members receive discounts on the many nature-friendly products, and 2% of those purchases will go towards supporting our efforts to protect and conserve our environment!

It’s easy, all you have to do is sign up and shop online or in-store! Find out more about Saving for Change here. Since I live so close to the Iris location in Ottawa, I thought a little bit of shopping would be a fun way to spend an hour on a sunny Friday afternoon.

What is it like to shop at terra20, you ask? I had a great experience in the store. The moment I walked in, there was Amanda to greet me and explain how the store works. She pointed to the front wall, where there were several large logos. I learned that terra20 has researched the ingredients and production process of each of the products, and have created various logos that inform the shopper about the product. For example, the hand cream I bought contained no harmful chemicals, wasn’t testing on animals, and was made in Canada. I could see all of this simply by looking at the price tag in front of the product. They took all the work out of sustainable shopping!

Picture of the terra20 ethical symbols

[pullquote align=”right”]”It’s important to know where the things we buy come from, who made them and how they were made. To create a brighter future, environmentally friendly products should be standard, not the exception.” Read more here.[/pullquote]terra20 had an incredible amount of products, and tons of brands I had never even heard of! I literally spent 20 minutes just walking through the beauty products, and don’t even get me started on the food section! The store was organized by section with the help of giant black signs, and covered everything from baby clothes to home furnishing. As an added help, dispersed throughout the store were several tablets connected to the Internet, just in case you had any inquiries that the already knowledgeable staff couldn’t answer.

It really was a great way to spend an hour and to learn about sustainable shopping.

Image of the Saving for Change banner

Want to try shopping at terra20?

Join me and sign up for the Saving for Change program or submit a photo to our 75th Anniversary Photo Contest for your chance to win one of two 100$ gift cards!

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole at [email protected].

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Canada’s wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
