Nature Canada

Biden Joins Trudeau on Protecting Nature to Fight Climate Change

Nature Canada sees big opportunities created by the new U.S. administration’s commitment to protect 30% percent of land and water by 2030 and advance nature-based climate solutions


Ottawa, ON (January 27, 2021) – President Biden today signed an executive order committing to protect 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030. Nature Canada is closely watching the Biden administration’s early moves and today’s executive order offers a beacon of hope for addressing the nature crisis that is causing mass species loss, alongside the impacts of climate change. Today’s executive order brings the U.S. into alignment with Canada’s commitment to achieve the same target and enlist nature in the fight against climate change. 

“They’re back!” said Graham Saul, Executive Director of Nature Canada. “Having the U.S. as an ally for nature swings the door wide open for bi-national cooperation. We now have a major opportunity to reverse species loss across a continent of deeply connected land and seascapes.”

Nature Canada will be working with government and non-governmental partners on both sides of the border to help drive the critical changes needed to protect and restore our shared natural legacy.

Canada and the U.S. share important wildlife corridors and ecosystems like the Great Plains grassland system, mountain ranges in the West, the Great Lakes ecosystem, and countless river systems that flow from one country to the other.

Nature Canada supports both governments’ emphasis on Indigenous-led conservation in meeting their environmental protection goals. Canada’s support for the creation of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Guardian programs can offer important opportunities for cross-border learning. The Biden administration has also identified working with Tribal governments as a conservation priority and nominated Rep. Deb Haaland, a Pueblo woman, to lead their protected areas strategy as Secretary of the Interior. 

The fact that these commitments for nature are laid out as part of an ambitious climate agenda shows the Biden administration, like Canada, recognizes the important role of nature-based climate solutions. The executive order commits to reforestation and other initiatives to restore lands and water as a key part of fighting climate change.

Prime Minister Trudeau committed Canada to protecting 30% of land and waters by 2030 in the 2019 speech from the throne.

Join the growing number of Canadians who are writing to our government to make sure that nature is not forgotten as we build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Nature Canada has been a voice for nature for more than 80 years. We are a charitable organization advocating the conservation of land and the protection of waterways, and oceans to help stop the loss of species. We facilitate mobilization among more than 900 nature organizations and 100,000 nature-lovers while helping Canadians connect to nature. Learn more at 

For more information contact: 

Scott Mullenix 
[email protected]

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