Nature Canada
Peter Ferguson


Nature Canada is the oldest national nature conservation charity in Canada. Over the past 75 years, we’ve helped protect over 63 million acres of parks and wildlife areas in Canada and the countless species that depend on this habitat. Today, we represent a network of over 45,000 members & supporters and more than 350 nature organizations in every province across Canada.

Primary media contact:

Stephen Hazell

Director of Conservation & General Counsel


[email protected]

Additional media contacts:

Looking for an expert?

Nature Canada has experts on staff who are available on short notice to comment on the following subjects and more:

  • Arctic conservation
  • Grasslands & their conservation
  • Bird conservation
  • Oil pipeline proposals
  • Climate change
  • Endangered species
  • Federal legislation that impacts nature conservation
  • Federal budget (environmental impacts)
  • National parks
  • Industrial development in natural spaces
  • Avian influenza (H5N1)
  • Bird migration
  • Animal predation
  • Biodiversity

TV interviews

In addition to our Ottawa-based staff who are available for television interviews on short notice, Nature Canada also has board members and affiliate organizations in every province who can be made available for television interviews.

Want to know more about Nature Canada’s work? These links might help:

Voulez-vous aider?

La nature sauvage du Canada fait l’envie du monde entier. C’est notre devoir de garder notre pays fort et vert.
