Nature Canada

Our Staff

Lara Falkiner

Bird Conservation Officer

Lara recently graduated from the University of Victoria, having spent her degree in search of adventure in the beautiful wilderness that defines our country, and a career in which she could work to protect those same species and landscapes that she loves.

Growing up on the west coast to a well-travelled family, there was no one moment that defined her love of nature, rather a million moments that captured her heart; from catching tadpoles in a roadside stream; to swimming off a conglomerate beach, only to realize the sea lions were keeping her company; to hiking among mountain goats; and waking in the deepest night to paddle on a bioluminescent ocean.

These moments and many more inspired her to pursue a career in which she could help people come to see the beauty of nature and hopefully, to make a difference in protecting and restoring it!


Ottawa : 613-562-3447 ext.981
Toll Free : 1-800-267-4088 ext.981

Voulez-vous aider?

La nature sauvage du Canada fait l’envie du monde entier. C’est notre devoir de garder notre pays fort et vert.
